Album Review - Series 'O': Round 0 - Who (2022)

In celebration of Verivery's first full album, which is coming April 25, I'm going to review the digital single that was released back in March. I plan to review the full album as soon as I get my copy (so we'll see how long after the release mine arrives). Both of these songs are going to be on the album, and they're really good, so I'm super excited!

  1. O - O, this single's title track, is a very different direction musically for Verivery, and as always, they pull it off very well! It's a more "chill"-sounding song, per se, but its lyrics talk of mental health issues and that kind of stuff. And the music video is absolutely a work of art! I love this so much. It's very catchy, and Kangmin's part is absolutely so ear-wormy, if that's a word.

  2. Our Spring - We haven't had a new Verivery ballad since the masterpiece So Gravity on Face Us, so their return to ballads is really amazing. Our Spring is a lovely, soft ballad that talks about unrequited love. It's very much the type of song where all the members' voices just calm you down, like free therapy or something. It's really great!
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