Blog - June 2024

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Job-Type Stuff

Song of the day: Weeekly - After School

...And after I talked about wanting to blog more often, it took me another week to blog again. But in my defense, I started working this week! I won't say where I work besides that it's a grocery store. Since my last post, I had my orientation and my first day! I'm working part-time so I'm not working every day. My orientation went well, as did my first day, though I did have some confusion regarding something at the end of the digital training platform. I don't have my schedule yet for next week, but I am working some over the weekend as well, and I imagine they'll probably need all the help they can get around the 4th of July. I'm not sure how I feel yet about when I work and for how long, but I hope I end up liking everything, and if not I can probably just change my hours. I just hope everything keeps going pretty well!

In other news, I've also had my college orientation this past week! I got into some pretty cool classes and saw my dorm (and even met one of my suitemates!) and everything there is turning out pretty well. If you've read my older posts about my college search, you'll know my college wasn't my first choice, but nonetheless I still really like it and I'm super excited to start!

And I'm still quite smitten with our favourite elf. <3 Beyond that, I'm trying to get my on-line habits back on track like how they were before, with a prioritization on actually surfing the Net and not piddling time away and that sort of stuff, and I think I'm certainly better than I was a week or so ago. And that's about it! Until next time, y'all, toodles!

Published on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 5:51 PM.

Elves and Employment!

Song of the day: Britt Nicole - Say It

Hello everyone! And welcome to my grand return to the blog. I meant to update it a while ago, but Saturday, Sunday and Monday, my mother and I (and Blue for two of the movies) went and saw the Lord of the Rings trilogy (extended editions!) in our local cinema and I. Became. Obsessed. I first watched most of the theatrical versions at Blue's house (we got up to halfway through Return of the King before we got too busy) and I quite liked Legolas then, but something about seeing these on the big screen just made me totally obsessed with him. I finally understand the whole "no thought head empty" meme! So I've been spending most of my time on-line these past several days looking up pages related to Legolas, and the whole nine yards, so the site (and a lot of my other hobbies) have kind of fallen by the wayside. Hmm... maybe I should channel this energy into making a Legolas webshrine! That sounds like a good thing to work on tomorrow. I love him!!! And I will spare you any further ramblings.

Speaking of things to work on, guess who has a job?!? Finally this gal! I had a job interview recently at a grocery store in my town and they hired me on the spot. I'm supposed to be working pretty late shifts, though, which worries me a bit as getting in late tends to throw off my routine, but I guess I'll just have to rearrange my routine to do as much as possible earlier in the day. I just hope I don't have to work too, too much---after all, this is summer holiday. I'm only supposed to be working part-time, but I know a family member who was basically working full-time at a part-time job when there were staff shortages. And I also hope they let me keep a water bottle on me or something---y'all likely know by now that I am a big-time aquaholic.

Also, Pink's going-away party was last night! I got to meet some friends of his that I hadn't met in a long time and had great fun eating, playing ping pong, chatting, etc. I'd say it was my favourite of the range of graduation parties that my class has held. It's so weird to think it's almost been a month! And so weird to think that Pink and I aren't going to be going to the same school anymore when we've done so since we were literal toddlers---our friendship is older that many actual humans I know. Anyways, Pink, if you're reading this, je t'aime et bonne change en Espagne! :)

I am kind of nervous but also excited to finally be making some money of my own! I think my first order of business (ha ha) will be to buy a 3DS. I want to do some StreetPassing! And that's it, since for some reason (I wonder what it could be?) I haven't done much of anything this week. Toodly-oo till next time!

Published on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 4:12 PM.

World's Shortest Job Interview Ever (Also, ADHD?)

Song of the day: Alice - Summer Dream

You know, when you go in for a job interview, even if it's only for a summer job, you expect to be actually in the interview at the time it's supposed to start at. That is, you don't expect to be done with the interview before you were actually scheduled to start it. Yeah... today I had an interview scheduled to work at a chain restaurant, and when I went in (after having a nervous stomachache, which I've been noticing more recently when I have nervous situations) I spoke with the assistant manager. (Apparently none of his superiors were present.) He asked me some basic questions and told me some superior of his would get back to me, and I was back in the car in less than five minutes. My mother had driven me to the interview and was visibly (and reasonably) confused!

Speaking of job interviews, I had a phone interview scheduled for later in the day with a grocery store, but literally Saturday night I got a text saying that the store had changed their application method and I had to reapply. And I was out of town all day yesterday for a family reunion, so I had no time or anything to actually reapply. But yet I still held out hope---in vain, since the person who was supposed to call didn't call. Ugh!

But beside that, I haven't been up to that much other than trying to entertain myself and do a little creative stuff. I want to get back into painting, but I always used turpentine, which I now discovered has toxic fumes, so until I buy alternative paint thinner I can't do anything. I've been trying my hand at songwriting, but I'm not that good yet, and I need vocal training if I ever want to be a singer. (and I need to figure how the heck I'm going to get my songs produced, considering I play zero instruments and I'm not going for the single-instrument singer-song-writer vibe anyhow.) And then I've tried to work on the site, but, like I said last time, I have webmistress's block, and I can't even seem to actually surf the Net that much---I always end up on YouTube, which I really want to wean myself off of somewhat or something. Being on it all day is not something I like!

I think getting back on my planner is a good idea too---days where I feel completely disorganized make me feel like I waste them. I really don't function as well in totally unstructured environments. This feels tied somehow to the ADHD I'm pretty sure I have (so many descriptions from people that have ADHD sound very similar to my own experiences!) Anyways, Ii'm pretty dang sure I have it, though since I'm not a psychologist I feel unqualified to actually say outright that I have it, and want to get on getting a proper diagnosis and treating that eventually, because my poor attention span and other symptoms are really frustrating!

Anyways, I think that's pretty much it that's new this week. I need to go put up a pile of clean clothes that's been sitting on a chair in the corner of my room for a day or two before it drives me mad! Toodles!

Published on Monday, June 10, 2024, at 55PM.


Song of the day: DIA - Woo Woo

Hey y'all, I'm back! My site was closed for a bit due to personal circumstances, and I used the opportunity to do a bit of work behind the scenes on my links page, revamping it into its own kind of subsection, and some other pages, updating some outdated info and adding new stuff in a fell swoop. I want to do quite a lot of work in the coming days and weeks on the site, but to be totally honest, I don't have many ideas for major changes/additions, which is what I'm hankering to do. So I'll have to do some research and whatnot in hope of lifting my webmistress's block, because I really want to get back to the site! It's been neglected for far too long.

But onto the main event: graduation! (Shoutout to Blue, who I know has been waiting for my blog post on graduation.) Late last month, I graduated high school!!! It was both exciting and bittersweet, mostly the latter, as my class is small and most of us have known each other at least for the better part of a decade, if not even more---case and point, me and Pink. Anyways, due to our size, a good amount of us, myself included, were able to make speeches instead of just one. I think my speech came out really well, personally, and some friends of mine also got to speak and did very well. (I was especially touched when Blue and Pink shouted me out in their speeches! :D) I thought I would cry more, especially during the speeches, and honestly the entire week leading up to graduation I got teary sometimes, but never really cried. Until the awarding of the diplomas, for some reason---I started crying then, and I ended up crying all the way through the end of the ceremony until we tossed our caps into the air!

I didn't always get along with some of my classmates, but I think that I've overcome that as I've aged, and it's sad to leave them, you know? But I'm happy and excited to start a new chapter of my life! It was a really lovely ceremony and everything---absolutely lovely.

I feel like I should have more to say, but I don't really know what else to say. Hmm... So, moving onto other news, I was getting into a summer routine at last when I got a cold, got a bit of a fever, and had to chillax for a few days---I'm struggling to get back into my routine now. I also got an iMac G4 from my estate sale! Photos coming soon to an iStash page near you, but for now I have other stuff to do. I'll talk to all y'all later!

Published on Monday, June 3, 2024, at 5:00 PM.

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