Blog - July 2024

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Two Weeks Remain!

Song of the day: Verivery - Tap Tap

I wish I had been able to blog this past week, but my life has been very busy. I've been continuing to declutter when I can---these days I've been working on my twelve (!!) boxes of old school papers dating all the way back to preschool, and I'm recycling the vast majority of them, which are simply notes I'll never need again and have no real attachment to. When I haven't been doing that, I've been working---this past week was the most hours I've worked so far. Coupled with the fact that my mum often had things for us to leave the house to do, that means that I had quite a hectic week and little free time. This week, I only work tomorrow and Saturday, although I am going to spend Thursday with my grandparents. I really hope I don't work a lot next week, so I can a) get more decluttering done and b) get ready for college.

That's right, I only have somewhere around two weeks left until college starts! I still have quite a bit of shopping to do in addition to decluttering. So it looks like I'm going to have a busier life as well. I hope I can have a simpler, less hectic life in college---I think part of the reason it's felt so busy and hectic is because I've had to work until late, so mornings have been my only time to myself on days I've worked---I don't get to come home and prop my feet up and all until late. It's very annoying and it's recked my routines---I think if I had my routines down, I'd feel more relaxed as well. I don't want to always feel like I'm cramming everything in (especially hobbies, like the site) in anymore---it's so irksome! At least with my classes at college, I'll have a much more set schedule which will stay the same for a whole semester, so I can have my routines!! I need my routines, which this job has completely upended. I'm not opposed to the idea of coming back next summer to The Grocery Store Job, but Heaven knows I'll be changing my availability!

Beside work and decluttering, recently I've watched the k-drama Crash Landing On You. I've always heard great things about it and I can say wholeheartedly that those are justified! I laughed, I cried, everything. I wish the ending had been a little happier for both the main couples, but I suppose bittersweet endings are beautiful in their own way, and life sometimes works out that way as well. As long as there's the sweet part of it, that's what matters and that's what we should focus on primarily---don't dwell on negative things too long. I admit that that's often advice I could take myself, but I do strive to be optimistic. I think it's the best way to live.

Published on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at 10:45 PM.

Dullness and Decluttering

Song of the day: f(x) - All Mine

Howdy ho, everyone! I've had an extremely dull week. I was sick, as I talked about last time, which meant I spent the first half of the week on the couch watching YouTube, and these past few days, after I've been better, I've done some more decluttering and gone to work. Nothing exciting, really. And I really want to work on the site and have some fun on-line, but I haven't been able to lately. Even though I only work part-time, it often feels like that sucks up all of my creative energy. Maybe I need to change my mindset to focus first on enjoying my summer. Because I really wanted to work a lot on the site this summer, but sadly I haven't been able to, mostly because I lack the drive.

Maybe I'll try and spend some of today on my site, but then again I only have two and a half hours before I have to get ready for work. I'm getting really sick of these closing shifts because they entirely screw up how I like to schedule my day. Next summer I'll avoid them if at all possible---or at least not make them my only options. But I don't know whether or not it's too late now to do anything.

I just wanted to enjoy my summer, you know? I thought this summer would be more fun. It was for a while---I got to do fun things with my friends---but now they're all out of town and I'm stuck in this job that screws up how I like my days to go, and for what? I just hope my actual career is better than this summer job. Is this burn-out? Maybe. I think my friends all being out of town is a big part of what's making me feel so frustrated---other than doing various hobbies around the house, I don't have much way to let off steam, and having to do everything around the house makes me feel a little stir crazy. Good heavens. I think going to college will make me feel a lot better. Now that I'm excited for! I hope this little rant/ramble wasn't too insufferable. I think I'll put off any more work on decluttering to tomorrow, because I need just try and enjoy today!! At least until I have to go to work in a few hours. (Oy, oy and oy again.) Toodles!

Published on Sunday, July 21, 2024, at 3:01 PM.

Clutter and Sickness

Song of the day: Lightsum - Honey or Spice

Guess who's ill?!? That's right, this girl! I woke up at around 5:00 this morning with a headache and took some ibuprofen, and thought it was nothing more than a headache, and that's all it was until sometime after lunch when I started getting some weird foggy brain---y'know, when your brain feels like it's about to twitch or something? That happens for me sometimes. I got, not "I need a nap" tired, but just "ugh, I don't want to do anything" tired, and I started getting chilly after I took a warm bath. At my mother's suggestion, I took my temperature and was running a fever, so I had to call in sick to work and I just vegged out the rest of the day. I did call my little cousins, though, or rather I called my grandma and my cousins commandeered the phone.

But I digress. Work's been pretty good for the most part---I think I'm finally starting to bond with some of my coworkers and I'm feeling more comfortable these days! Not much of any great interest has happened, beside my first rude customer story, but I'm not going to tell it here, at least for now---out of respect for my privacy and others', and also because I don't fancy getting fired.

Besides that, I've started to declutter my room again! At this point, it's a summerly occurrence. My room overall is probably better even than last year since I got rid of some old crap and added my new TV, but there's still a tonne of stuff in my closet, plus just a bit of general clutter left over in my room that I want to go through. So far, I've gotten rid of a pile of clothes I haven't worn in ages, plus probably five boxes of old toys and stuff that migrated to a massive bin in my closet over the year that I've been long overdue to declutter. Although, I think I am a lot better at really finding whether or not I should keep something these days---just because I have a memory of something doesn't mean I need to keep it forever. Can you tell I've been watching some Marie Kondo? I think this is what I've been needing for quite a while.

And that's about it! I'm also planning to dual-boot Windows 7 with Windows 8 on my PC to see which feels less cluttered. But I want to try and not go too far and make everything bland, both on my PC and in general in my life. We'll see how that turns out, I reckon. But I want to go to bed now, since I feel poorly and it's getting late. Good night, y'all, and hopefully it'll be less than a week before I talk to you again! Toodles!

P.S. not to bring it back to my blog back in 2021 too much, but I have been yearning for romance recently, and I think I'm finally at a stage in my life where I'm ready for that! Because I was most certainly not ready back in 2021 and 2022. Those to whom I've told that story about Discord, batteries, etc., that will be obvious! But yeah. Toodles!

Published on Monday, July 15, 2024, at 10:26 PM.

Guilt, K-Drama and DILFs

Song of the day: The Corrs - Breathless

Howdy y'all! So I know I said I'd blog more often, but for some reason, this past week I just have not been on-line that much. For some reason, my trying not to waste time on social media has generalized in my mind to not wanting to be on-line at all really, besides reading articles here and there. I still enjoy surfing forums and all, but for some reason I feel disinclined to get on-line at all because I often end up doing things that I don't really like. It's gotten to the point where I even feel kind of guilty using Tumblr, for example. Do any of you have any advice on how to stop this? I don't want to be prevented from doing things I enjoy by some sort of weird guilt. Maybe I just need to block the sites I don't like off of my computer.

I think it may also have to do with the fact that whenever I get on the computer to actually do something, I often get distracted before I get around to that, including right now---I got on-line to blog and do my Duolingo, and after an hour and a half I still haven't done my Duolingo. Maybe I just need to adjust my routine to include things I do every day anyway---just do them in the morning or something. I think part of it is that these days, I'm not leaving the house at a consistent time in the mornings, so I don't have a deadline to do my morning routine, so it's mostly slipped out of existence. I'll have to do some reorienting of my routine now, methinks!

Anyways, work's been going well recently. I started about two and a half weeks ago (?) and I'm finally starting to bond with my coworkers some by chit-chatting and that. Since my class was the same for most of high school, I'd forgotten how long it actually takes (and how much effort it takes!) to break the ice with new people! But I suppose this is good preparation for college, since one of the main points of college is being exposed to new people. I do still kind of dread going to work a little on days when I work, but I think part of that is that, since I work later shifts generally, I have the whole day to build up a feeling of "ugh, I just want to stay home". I imagine it won't be so bad once I become closer with my coworkers, though.

Beyond that, I finished Extraordinary Attorney Woo this morning and I LOVED it!! I thought it was so heartwarming and often funny most of the time, and the more dramatic storylines generally felt in place. And this drama left me with two more fictional crushes (though neither is anywhere near as intense as my crush on Legolas, especially right after I saw the LOTR movies): Junho and Attorney Jung. (This is mostly irrelevant, but I was very surprised that there weren't any Tumblr posts calling Attorney Jung a DILF. Do with that what you will, I guess? Is this too raunchy for my blog? I don't mean it in a raunchy way, though I can't speak for the imagined Tumblr fandom.) Anyways, I might write a more detailed review one day, but for now suffice it to say that it was an amazing, feel-good series! I'd say it has similar vibes in that way to early-season Gilmore Girls---reminiscent of a nice cup of cocoa on a cold winter day. :)

Besides that, I've been playing a lot of Minecraft on my Wii U and using my Wii U reminded me just how little personality the Switch has. It's still better than the X-Box XYZ and Playstation 15 or whatever they're on by now, but it's so boring. The games are good, but beyond that it's bland and boring. Meanwhile, the Wii and Wii U's ambient music, dynamic backgrounds of their menus, and the Miis (especially the Wii U's WaraWara Plaze) lent them so much personality! I feel like this is also furthered by the consoles having proper functionality beyond turn on and play game. The Wii U has a Web browser, Miiverse, and a log, amongst other things. But that's enough rambling for now. I just love that console! I also want to get a 3DS soon. I visited my favourite used CD/game/etc. store yesterday because of their July 4th sale but 1) their selection is pathetic, although I did find a Harvest Moon game and the Lego Movie Video Game, which were both cool, and 2) their only 3DS in stock was rather overpriced compared to what I could buy on-line, I'm pretty sure.

But that's all for today---I'll talk to all y'all soon, hopefully feeling less guilty! Toodles!

Published on Monday, July 8, 2024, at 4:45 PM.

I Am Le Epic Hacker!

Song of the day: Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart

...I really wanted to blog today becaause I thought I had something to talk about, but I guess not? I must've forgotten whatever it was. Anyway, I've had a pretty uneventful couple of days for the most part, aside from a couple of things. For one, I worked my first closing shift, which left my legs aching and my brain delirious. I said this at the time, and I'll say it again---working late really reminds me of tech week on the play this past year! Beside that, I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy, reading some fanfiction and watching some of Extraordinary Attorney Woo. I feel like this might be the first k-drama I make it all the way through---I started watching Snap and Spark (co-starring Verivery's Kangmin) earlier this year, but for some reason just never ended up finishing it. Maybe I ought to finish it. But anyways, I really like EAW so far!

And I finished my last year's planner yesterday and started a new one. It's quite literally closing the book on high school, so I got slightly emotional, but I'm already pretty far out of high school mentally for the most part and ready for my next step. It was a bit sad, though---letting go of my past year's objective and starting to mentally prepare myself for what I want to do this next year. beyond that, I've been faffing about on-line some, though moreso yesterday than today---yesterday I went on a Pinterest binge, for example, instead of working on the site like I meant to. Honestly, I think the problem is (somehow, though it may sound weird) the state of mind my iPad puts me in---but I digress. I do plan to quit using it as much, though.

Oh, I remember what I wanted to talk about. I'm a mega hacker! My college e-mail refuses to work on Windows 7 or on my MacBook (Windows 7 is too old and my Mac supposedly (it doesn't) has Flash installed) so I had to get crafty. Through some user agent editing (which took a lot longer in my e-mail client than I thought it would), I managed to get it working! But don't worry, y'all, of course I'm being safe in my browsing habits and all. But I did do a victory dance when I managed to get it working. In other news, one of my coworkers at the grocery store is a family member of one of my classmates even though I'd never heard of her, and I saw multiple other people from my high school at work, and also had a very awkward moment when a coworker asked my pronouns (nobody at my work knows I'm trans and I got very flustered when she asked me, and she ended up thinking she'd offended me). And I was potentially stupid for reasons too long to relate here and didn't end up getting my break. So today actually ended up being eventful, but I wrote most of this entry before work.

But yeah, that's it for now. I'll talk to all y'all soon! Toodles till then!

Published on Monday, July 1, 2024, at 10:20 PM.

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