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If Verivery are my favourite boy group ever, Girls' Generation are my favourite girl group ever! I first discovered them when I discovered their debut song through a music compilation YouTube video (hmm, this story sounds familiar...) back in 2020, and I bought it pretty soon afterwards. (Now, it's the most played song of all time in my iTunes library with 463 plays as I write this in January 2024!) I found out some other songs, and my fandom's gone from there!
Some of my favourite songs from them are (besides Into The New World) Way To Go, Flyers, Everyday Love, Girls' Generation, Kissing You, Light Up The Sky, Mr. Mr., All My Love Is For You and I Got A Boy. I really love a lot of their ballads---especially their Japanese ballads---and their pop rock songs, which are always super fun and uplifting! My favourite album is probably the Korean Girls' Generation album---I love the vibe! (Describe the vibe---ha that rhymes.)
I'd say my favourite member is probably Sunny---I feel like she has a really nice and underappreciated voice that's both good in fun upbeat songs and in ballads because it's a really sweet voice. She also just seems like she'd be a nice person to be around---happy, like one might guess from her stage name, and just generally cool. I feel like she'd be a good older sister for whatever reason, but I digress. I really hope Sunny puts out a solo one day! Even if that's very unlikely.
I've never seen them live, and unless I become rich or something to the point that I can fly out wherever if they do a 20th anniversary tour, I doubt I ever will, but if I do it will be so fun!
One of my favourite SNSD moments is when they performed the original/dance version of Into The New World for the first time in eight years at their Long Lasting Love fanmeet in 2022! It was especially lovely since that's the song that got me into them and still potentially my favourite song ever to this day, and I'd never seen a new performance of that song. I also loved their comeback in general, since I became a fan with the impression that they wouldn't be having a comeback probably ever. I still remember where I was when I first watched the Forever 1 music video! (The answer to that is sitting on the floor of my room dead tired after a night of terrible sleep, but that's neither here nor there.)
SNSD are, in my opinion, quite simply the queens of k-pop. Jigeumeun SNSD!