Now Reading: Stop In The Name of Pants! by Louise Rennison
Hey Web-surfers, I'm Lizzie, and welcome to my cozy little corner of the World Wide Web! Amongst other things, I love music, video games and YouTube! My favourite musicians are: Verivery, Girls' Generation, CSR, The Wind, H.O.T., Jordan Sweeto, S.E.S., Dear Alice, Super Junior, Sistar and a few others! In terms of Youtubers, I really like Nexpo, Vi Hart, CGP Grey, Michael MJD, OSFirstTimer, Ann Reardon, Savantics, the Internet Investigator, Lazy Masquerade and Joanna Stern from the Wall Street Journal, plus a bunch of others.
If you know me, you know I'm a very nostalgic person (especially for times I never witnessed). I'm definitely a fan of Web 1.0 design as compared to Web 2.0 (and Web 3.0!)---it has character and colour! The Web of the late 90s and its modern revival on Neocities and other similar services are really big influences on this site and its content and design. I'm also a huge fan of vintage iPods (basically everything but the touch 6g and later), especially the nanos!
Be sure to look at all the other pages on my Web site by clicking all the hyper-links in the sidebar on the left. There's a lot of cool stuff here about me and things I'm interested in. I hope you enjoy surfing through my Web site as much as I enjoy making it, and before you leave, make sure to sign my guestbook. Surf's up! See you on the Net!
Now playing: VERIVERY - L.O.V.E.
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Est. Jan 21, 2020