Blog - February 2025

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Long Time No Blog!

Song of the day: Zerobaseone - Blue

Holy crap, how has it been two weeks since I blogged?!?!? Well, quite a bit has happened since then. I don't remember much of anything of great interest that happened before the last few days. But the other day, my mum came and visited me in town! We did some errands for me, and went thrifting, and had a nice lunch and a delicious dinner. She also brought me a new laptop---or, that is, an old one! I got a 2009 polycarbonate unibody MacBook, and that's what I'm writing this entry from right now! It works well, it's super cute and it even holds a charge! I'm planning to replace the hard drive with an HDD and upgrade the RAM from 2 gigs to 8, and then it'll be a lovely daily driver! And the glowing Apple logo is SO cool!! And the DVD drive, and the real USB-A ports... need I go on?

Besides that, I've been busy and a bit of a mess, procrastinating most stuff beside schoolwork. I don't really have any ideas right now for my site but I want to work on it soon and blog more! And I also need to vacuum my dorm tomorrow. Anyways, IT'S ONLY TWO MORE DAYS TILL DONGHEON FROM VERIVERY GETS DISCHARGED FROM THE MILITARY!! It's been so long since he joined, aaaand now I think we have some hopes of a comeback. :) And maybe, dare I say it, of Hoyoung coming back? And this is probably delusional, but maybe Minchan as well?!?!? I LOVE AND NEED MY VERIVERY!!! But yeah, that's about it. I'll talk to all y'all soon!

Published on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at 10:13 PM.

Sweet, Sweet Snow :)

Song of the day: TRAX - Oh! My Goddess

Right now I'm sitting in my bed, on my laptop, watching Gilmore Girls, as it's snowing outside and I know that I'm sleeping in tomorrow morning. Some great winter storm (I think the fact that the French word on my phone in the winter storm warning is "tempĂȘte" is making me think it's worse) is descending upon the whole state, and although it's unlikely that the college will cancel classes (what college does?) but I've decided that I'm cancelling classes. Maybe. But I am sleeping in. And I hope my classes will cancel. My morning class I may still attend but my afternoon class I kind of doubt I would since he just drones on off of the slides so it wouldn't be productive anyways. Unless you count suing the the unviersity for endangering students after slipping and getting a concussion is productive. Who knows.

I was supposed to go to a new Chinese buffet in town tonight with one of my friends (I really must come up with witty colour names for my college friends) but of course I started feeling kind of sick this afternoon and so I couldn't and I ended up rotting on YouTube instead. But at least I ended up having some time to rest, and then I can sleep a lot tonight! But yeah, that's about all. I'll talk to all y'all soon! :)

Published on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 10:49 PM.

Too Tired! :(

Song of the day: Girls' Generation - Love and Girls

Holy crap. If I thought it had been "a week" last time I posted on here, well... I have news for past Lizzie. These past two weeks I've been tired, and this week especially I've been so unmotivated. Asking around to my other friends, apparently everyone else has also been kind of exhausted, because it seems like we've been plunged right into the deep end. Which is ironic, because I feel like I'm less busy than last semester, but I don't remember the start of last semester so I don't remember how busy I was then. But anyways, I've tried to go to sleep early, but whenever that happens I often have trouble getting back to sleep if I wake up in the middle of the night. But I'll try going to bed even earlier tonight and hope that helps me be more well-rested tomorrow. I could also try sleeping in later by a half-hour or so, or I might try getting some time-release melatonin. But I digress.

I can't actually think of too much that's interesting from the past couple of weeks. I forget if my new suitemate had moved in the last time I blogged. If not, then yeah, that's pretty self-explanatory---I got a new suitemate, who's pretty cool and fun so far! Also, the head pastor's son visited my church from another small town a couple weeks ago where he goes to college, and he is SO handsome. I normally sit in the pew in front of the pastor's wife, and he sat with his mum, so I got to shake his hand during the "peace be with you" part and I was a little bit giddy. I hope I get to see him again. :)

Also, yesterday my old roommate and I were going to go to a local cafe to study. And then we got there and it was closed for YESTERDAY ONLY. So we went to another cafe, and it was very busy, to the point where we couldn't see ourselves getting anything done there. I dropped upward of $20 on a single drink, a scone and some crepes, and the scone was the only good thing. The drink was a London Fog, which was way too creamy and milky, and the crepes would've been good enough by theirselves, but with the London Fog, there was too much cream and I just couldn't. And so we went to our school library to study, and went to the cafe in there (one of a couple on campus) to get some makeup tea. I asked them to put a couple of ice cubes in mine so it was drinkable right away, which my favourite on-campus cafe always does perfectly. Well, they did it at this library cafe and my drink was just barely lukewarm, as was my roommate's. What on Earth!!! And then I struggled through my homework for about five hours, because I was so unmotivated last week that I had to do everything over the weekend. Agh! So that was... a "fun" day. We did have a nice dinner afterwards with a bunch of acquaintances, and I had some really good ice cream, so all that made up for the day.

Beside that, I've taken up crocheting! I don't have a current photo of the scarf I'm making, but I'll try and take one soon and add it to my next post! And that's about it. Now I need to go get some lunch!! Toodles, everyone! :)

Published on Sunday, February 9, 2025, at 12:35 PM.

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