Here is one of my favourite parts of my own site and other sites I visit: the links page! Below, I've collected hyper-links to some of the best, funniest, funnest and most interesting sites I've found on the Net, sorted into rough categories. I hope you enjoy! If you have a site you think I might enjoy, please e-mail it to me by clicking this hyper-link! Otherwise, surf's up! See you on the Net!

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Personal Sites

Here are some of my favourite personal sites! A more general list of Neocitizens I like is at the bottom of this page, but these are some extra-special ones.

Deadnet - This site is simply laid out and yet looks so cool! And it has a tonne of interesting stuff on it---it's so fun to click around!

A.N. Lucas - I mean, she's basically the queen of Neocities! Or at least was. This site is well-designed, homey, fun and interesting---everything a personal site should be. This is also one of the very first Web revival sites I can remember coming across, along with Garyland, and has been an inspiration for my site over the years

- This site is already in the button wall below, but gets a special mention since it's owned by one of my e-penpals. :)

Graham Gables - The site of one of my best friends, Graham, also known as Pink on my blog. There's not a lot yet, but more is hopefully going to come eventually.

Public Transit - A little site of chaos that some people from the Transing the Internet community, yours truly included, have made over the years!

Fan Sites

These are some of my favourite fan sites!

Verrerdise - A Verivery fan site, run by yours truly! Mostly it's just informational right now, but eventually I think it'd be mega-cool to get some sort of message board up and running for the site. Maybe that could even be a central hub for Verrers off of Twitter! I've been pretty annoyed in the past that pretty much the whole fandom is concentrated on social media, which was a big reason for my creating the fan site. - Spork Central.

The Republic of Pemberly - This is a massive and long-running Jane Austen fan site with tons to offer! There's information, merch and more. Sadly, the message boards have been replaced by a companion FaceBook group, but nonetheless this is a lovely site.

Designing Women Online - A Web site dedicated to Designing Women, another one of my favourite shows.

Useful Sites

Classic Add-Ons Archive - An archive of classic XUL add-ons for Firefox numbering (if I remember correctly) in the quintuple-digits! This is very useful for anyone using Pale Moon, Mypal, TenFourFox, White Star, Basilisk, Waterfox or any other fork of pre-Chromesque Firefox that supports XUL extensions.

Fun Sites

Bubble Shooter - This is a really fun game where you shoot coloured bubbles to match three or more together! There's a lot of mobile imitations with microtransactions and all, but this is the real deal, without any money=draining. It's really fun to take this for a whirl now and then!

Us Vs Th3m games - Some games/quizzes from an old Web site called Us vs Th3m.

More Us Vs Th3m games - Some more games/quizzes from Us vs Th3m.

WebGL Water - A realistic water simulator, all inside your browser! This is super fun to waste time with and just generally much around in. It does need rather decent specs, though--not anything crazy, I don't think, but don't try it on a school Chromebook or an iBook G4 or anything.

Cat therapy - A cute little site that refreshes with a new cat every four seconds!

Favourite Video Pages

- One of my favourite YouTube shows ever! This is their Vimeo profile, since some of their videos were privated from YouTube for adult humour.

Bitview - a cool new (at least I think it's new? I don't know for sure.) Web site that's similar to 2008 YouTube. See if you can find my page on here!

Favourite Writing

Stories My Grandma Told Me - A Web-site with creepy stories from a rural Southern life. These are always a nice read, and I especially recommend this since as I write this, it's October!

Ted's Caving Page - A Web-site chronicling a man and his friend's journeys into a deep, mysterious cave... another, rather infamous, creepy page!


Here are a whole bunch of Neocities sites I like!

Disclaimer: views on the sites linked here are not necessarily my own!
