Put that controller in my mouth, because I'm a gamer girl! I don't really get around to gaming very often, but when I do I really love it! I only own Nintendo consoles - a Wii, Wii U, SNES Classic and Switch Lite, to be exact - and I mostly play first-party Nintendo games, at least in terms of my console gaming. I do have a couple of X-Box games, for some reason. Honestly, I prefer more light-hearted, upbeat games, which I feel like is Nintendo's specialty, so that's a big reason for my staying with them. Also, there's just that Nintendo je ne sais quoi which I really enjoy! I hope to buy a DS and/or 3DS one day.
Anyways, one of my favourite games of all time is Super Mario Odyssey! I'm currently on my second playthrough as of writing this and I absolutely love this game so much! It's so fun to just explore all the vast kingdoms and find all the moons in the nooks and crannies! If you have a Switch, you need to get this game. It's so amazing! Although I will say that after a playthrough or two it gets a tad stale.
I also like Splatoon a lot! I love the 90s vibes, since, as you can probably tell by a tonne of this site, I love the 90s! And above all, the colour---I am colourful. (And that's not just talking about my bizarre personality!) And Splatoon is just generally such a fun game, that really appeals to me, taking a genre that doesn't normally appeal to me (shooters) and reinventing it, and making it fun! I've played since Splatoon 1 on the Wii U, which I got around 2017, and now 2 on the Switch, and I want to buy Splatoon 3 eventually. Below are my Splatoon 2 stats as of Aug 28, 2022. I'm also slowly playing through its single-player mode. (I played through almost the whole single-player campaign on the Wii U game, but never beat the final boss.) I'm also a big fan of its humour.
And of course I have to mention Minecraft! Ever since I started using the Web, I watched tonnes of Minecraft YouTubers, and started playing Minecraft: Pocket Edition in late 2014, perhaps early 2015. I then started playing Minecraft PC around late 2015, when 1.8.8 or maybe 1.8.9 was the latest version. I've played it a tonne on and off throughout the years, and even once tried to do a Minecraft Let's Play on YouTube, which was... not very good. I stopped it after six episodes and it's all private now. I really like the beta versions especially, since they feel the most... Minecraft-y. They have a sort of lonely ambiance about them which I honestly like, since it kind of feels more like your world, and they feel simpler overall compared to new versions. But these days, although I'm not the biggest fan of Bedrock (except for crossplay), I mostly play Bedrock on my Switch because I love the portability and I become more and more of a console gamer as I age.
I also really like the Pokemon games. My favourite Pokemon is Eevee! I talk more about Pokemon here.
I'm also really interested in RPGs! I started playing Super Mario RPG on my SNES Classic a few years ago and absolutely loved it, but couldn't figure out the second of the seven areas, so I stopped playing. I played Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch a while ago as well and I loved it! The story is absolutely legendary and the character design and many of the cutscenes are by freaking Studio Ghibli themselves! I've also started playing through Paper Mario: Origami King on the Switch, and really quite like it so far! The Paper Mario series in general, from what I've seen, have amazing humour, and this game is certainly no exception. The game's "gimmicks", if you can call them that, are cool and most of the characters are likeable. The challenges are challenging but (most of the time) not too frustrating. (And when they are a lot of it is more my stupidity than the game's failing.)
And I also really like The Sims! I mainly just play it to live vicariously, because I don't really have much of a life. And why should I go out into the real world (yuck!) when I can create a version of myself and give her an uber-handsome husband and a family? Although I don't play it as much anymore---it kind of gets old for me.
And speaking of uber-handsome men, Elliott from Stardew Valley! I play Stardew Valley on my Switch, and I absolutely love it! And you know that I, the verbose writer, am going to marry Elliott, the verbose writer. It also reminds me of my family's farming roots---a lot of my family are farmers, and I really enjoy being on my grandparents' farm---it's like a sort of second home. I even named my Stardew Valley farm after that branch of the family's last name!
Meanwhile, my latest obsession is "casual" games. Since I got my new Windows 7 computer (that sounds oxymoronical) I've been playing all the different Microsoft card games it came with, as well as Mahjong and Minesweeper. I even figured out a way to get Windows XP's pinball game on Windows 7! They're really fun to sit and play whilst I listen to a podcast or something, and exercise my brain!