Finals update #2: Sorry I didn't update you guys more this week, but I was super busy. But other than that, finals are final-ly done! I had my history debate this morning, and then got to leave early because I didn't have a final in my other class today (My school has a half-day thing for most of finals week, except for the Friday of the week before when we have our first final. Anyways, my team was somewhat ill-prepared (thanks in no small part to my teacher giving us too little time, as is customary for him, plus the only time we had to prepare after we got our groups was during FINALS WEEK), but somehow we won our debate (my class of 16 split up into two debates, with teams of four each). I somehow got an 83 on my algebra final, which pulled my grade from an 88.3 to an 89.9 somehow, so I narrowly have an A. I also got an A on my physics exam (!) somehow. The only one I feel inconfident about is the aforementioned history debate. I started off oddly confident due to my team winning the debate. However, I was slightly late to turn in my annotated bibliography (ugh) which is worth 50% of our final (UGH!), and then had an awkward e-mail exchange with my teacher about it in which he seemed oddly passive-agressive. But I just hope and pray that I keep my A in history after the final is graded.

The other main thing that's happened in my life in the past couple days is that I finally got a new phone! My old Alcatel was chugging along, nagging at me constantly that its storage was full, and so for my birthday I got an iPhone SE as a gift. It's a welcome upgrade to be able to escape the low-storage complaints, and I finally have a phone with battery life worth a damn. The only thing is that it took ages to get Microsoft Edge on my Mac to sync with my phone, and even then it only did it on its own whim, without me doing anything. But overall, I'm super satisfied with my new phone so far. But most of all, I'm super relieved that finals is over. I finally have free time again! My last day of school is tomorrow, and it's Field Day, probably my least favourite day of the year because I hate team "sports" (aka dumb relay races) with a passion. But at least after that, I'll finally have free time to read and write and work on my site and SLEEP IN FOR ONCE. I've been feeling pretty burnt out recently, so it's amazing to finally be able to do what I want. But yeah, I'm sorry that this post was kinda ranty, but I've just been confused and emotionally tired recently, so yeah, hopefully my next post will be happier. Talk to you all later!

Finals update #1: I turned in my final assignment for philosophy yesterday, and I think that went pretty well. My French final also took up my first two periods this morning, plus my mid-morning break, so two hours in all. I ended up getting a 98% on it, so that's great! Also, my class pooled together and ordered pizza from Domino's for lunch. Despite some hiccups (another class had ordered the exact same order without either of us knowing, so we thought it was a duplicate yadda yadda yadda our pizza ended up being delayed until almost the end of lunch), we got our pizza (while I was writing this post) and it was great! Honestly, Domino's might have actually just moved up to be my favourite or second favourite pizza place (Papa John's used to be my favourite).

It's also rainy and I got animal crackers for winning a Kahoot in my algebra class, so overall TODAY IS AMAZING!! And then, just when I was about to sign off and publish this, someone ELSE came into my classroom and gave my teacher some cookie cake, and then left the rest for my class to split up amongst the 16 of us. I LOVE TODAY! Anyways, my Latin class is starting soon (it's 1:03 now) so I g2g! Bye!

The final countdown is about to start, or should I say... the FINALS COUNTDOWN!

Bad pun aside, finals crunch time officially begins tomorrow, as seventh period I have to turn in my philosophy final assignment. I thankfully got my first draft of my English final essay done, and now I only have to revise, and my peer reviewer in class today said that my essay was mostly all right, so I'm almost good to go on that. My physics unit test, which was going to be tomorrow, was thankfully pushed back to our finals period on Monday and our lab that we were going to do then was cancelled, so I have time to study over the weekend. My first official final exam is my French final, which is taking up most of my Friday morning. I'm pretty confident about that, but I'm still going to try and remember to take my French book home tomorrow evening to study.

I also have a history debate during our final period on Wednesday, and I have an annotated bibliography (ugh) due on Friday, which I really should be working on right now, but oh well. I've also been playing the Sims 4 again recently, though thankfully I haven't had enough time to get fully addicted. Also, my birthday is less than a week away, so I've been getting birthday cards and that kind of stuff recently. And finally, the last day of school is going to be on the 27th, and Friday is my last full day of school (Monday through Thursday of next week are half-days.) Thursday is field day, and I have zero clue how we'll do that whilst retaining our social distancing, but oh well. I'll probably avoid participating as best as I can, I've always hated those field day relay races. But anyway, I have to go work on my annotated bibliography (UGH!), so I guess I'll talk to you all later. Bye!

So a lot has happened in the past few days.

First of all, I've worked some more on my philosophy final assignment, which I really should be doing now, but I just don't feel like it.

Second of all, my school decided for some unknown reason decided to host a semi-formal at some outdoor pavillion, and I somehow decided to go. Basically the whole thing was three hours of food and people dancing with colour-changing strobe lights. At least there was some ABBA and Backstreet Boys music later on, and an Emma Bunton song around the start of the party. I still don't know why I decided to go, but oh well.

Third of all, I just got my first dose of the COVID vaccine about an hour and a few minutes ago, and so far so good! And I'm also getting McDonald's for lunch :)

Finally, of course I've been working more on my new WIP, though I wish that it wasn't finals season so I could work on it some more. BUt such is life, and finals season and this school year will both be over soon enough. So now I have to actually stop being lazy and work on my damn philosophy final, so I'll talk to you all later. Bye!

So recently, over the past few days I've been watching a ton of YouTube videos by The Internet Investigator, someone who looks into Internet mysteries. For some reason, I hate most horror/creepy stuff, but I love Internet mysteries and stuff. Honestly, I kinda wanna like make some sort of Internet mystery game. I considered using another site I run (though it's pretty inactive) to set one up, and made a couple Geocities sites and stuff to set it up, but it hasn't really came up to much as it would be a ton of committment.

In other news, I finished watching Pride and Prejudice yesterday, and OMG COLIN FIRTH'S MR DARCY IS MY NEW DREAM HUSBAND!

Ahem. So anyways, it was a super amazing series! Apparently, according to iMDB, the woman who played Dawn in The Office UK was the same person who played Maria.

So back in school type news, one of my least favourite teachers is going to be gone today, so that's always a cause for happiness. But on the other hand, we have a somewhat substantial project for his class due tomorrow and as seems to be the case rather often, we don't have enough time. And it's not even the final project, which we'll probably only have like two weeks to work on. Also, we're getting the prompts for our final essay for English tomorrow, which I'm kind of excited about somehow.

Also, in terms of English, we recently had to do a creative assignment. One group from my class came up with the best idea ever, which I won't say here because I don't want anybody else to steal their idea. My group had to write an alternate ending for Macbeth, which involved dance battles (to the song Money for Nothing), as well as the three witches sarcastically commented while everybody was dance-battling. It was amazing.

But yeah, lunch period is getting pretty close to being over as it's currently 12:53, so bye!

Welcome to my first blog post in the month of May! It's quickly creeping up on finals season, which means that students worldwide are in deep trouble. Thankfully, some of my teachers have modified it from a normal final to something else. Lots of them did the same last semester, but it seems to be less so this time round. For one, my Latin teacher is making it entirely open book and mostly take home. This is pretty great because my class has learned like 20 bajillion verb tenses and conjugations this year. Also, my philosophy class is probably just going to have a writing assignment, as is my English class, my physics (ugh) final is mostly going to be over this chapter, and my history teacher has floated the idea of a project instead of an exam. Really, the only normal ones out of my classes are French and algebra. I'm pretty great at French class, and I'm good at most of the stuff my algebra class has learned this year, except subtracting rational expressions with fractions and fancy stuff like that.

Also, in the week and a day since my last post, I've finished all the books I was reading then and started to read Victoria by A.N. Wilson. It's pretty good so far!

Also, last night I started watching the BBC Pride and Prejudice miniseries from 1995. *Insert obligatory fawning over Colin Firth as Mr Darcy here* As you all know, I watched The Lizzie Bennet Diaries about a month ago, which is another adaptation of Pride and Prejudice told through vlogs, so it's super interesting to see the different ways that the same plot plays out in different time periods.

Anyways, yadda yadda I'm gonna go read, this blog was brought to you by viewers like you. Thank you and goodbye!

Yesterday. Was. Amazing!

I had a halfday at school, so I got out right after noon and I got McDonald's for lunch! I know it's so unhealthy, but I love to treat myself to McDonald's sometimes. I also spent a good portion of my afternoon watching Murder, She Wrote on Peacock. I love it so much! Of course, I've also been writing, as usual!

Also, I've just recently realized that there's less that one month until my school gets out, which means that there's three weeks until finals. Me being me, of course, I feel woefully unprepared. Thankfully, at least my Latin teacher is splitting it up into different sections and making it open-book, and I feel prepared for all the other exams for the most part, except for physics. I mean, what the hell is an ohm? Oh well, I can just teach myself, like I normally do. In case you couldn't tell, I'm not the biggest fan of my physics teacher, he mostly just rattled off stuff and expects us to know it flawlessly.

Also, as of late I've become rather enamoured with the Web site Goodreads. I love keeping track of my progress as I read and reviewing books after I've finished! Lately, I've read/been reading:

  1. Beowulf, translated by Seamus Hearney, for my English class. I finished this a couple of weks ago.
  2. Macbeth by Shakespeare, also for English. I'm currently reading this.
  3. A handful of books by Sarah Dessen. All of them have been pretty great so far! So far, I've read Lock and Key, Just LIsten, and Someone Like You.
  4. Time and Chance by Kim Campbell, Canada's first woman to be prime minister. I kinda want to read books about different famous politicians, and this is my starting point.
  5. Currently, I'm reading Sophia of Hanover by J.N. Duggan. It's super cool so far!

But yeah, I need to do my homework (or at least pretend that I might get around to it) so I'll talk to you all later, bye!

Long time no see! Sorry the updates have been rather lacking lately, but school has been sucking up my time like a vacuum. First of all, my school just had our annual celebration of Rome's birthday that the Latin department puts on, which involved quite a bit of preparation. Today has honestly just been a terribly strange day, what with the celebration, and it really feels like it should be Friday already. Speaking of Friday, I have an essay on Beowulf due Friday, but I am way too exhausted to write that right now.

Also, the Apple event was yesterday! Those of you who know me well know that I'm a pretty devoted Apple user (except for my phone because of reasons), but I was in school during the Apple event yesterday, so I found out about all the new stuff afterwards. The M1 coming to the iPad Pro was probably pretty inevitable because of the whole "iPad-as-a-laptop" thing (even though I find that kinda infeasible for most people), but the new iMac was kinda unexpected for me! But I'll get into that in a moment.

The AirTags commercial they showed was super cool, especially the mini-camo that an iPod nano makes in the couch world scene, which made this iPod fan quite happy. The iMac commercial also reminded me of another commercial for the iMac G3, which I'll embed below.

Anyways, the new iMac seems super cool! I have a 2017 21 inch iMac as my desktop computer at the moment, so I'm super excited for the new iMac when I need to upgrade! The only thing that bums me out is that there's less USB-A ports (which you have ot pay extra to get) and no SD card slot, but I suppose that was to be expected. I do have a USB-C hub with those ports that I bought for my 2019 MacBook Air when I got it though, if I can find that. Anyway, the new iMac's design is super cool! I'll embed a picture below, but honestly it's really pretty and I'm glad that they're returning the iMac to its colourful roots. I want a purple one! I especially love the pastels (I'm a sucker for pastels), and I think that the white bezel actually goes pretty well, even if some people might like it to be thinner.

Also, I've decided to start doing video blogs. I'm in the filming/editing stage of the first few episodes right now, but when the first few are done I plan to post them on YouTube, Vidlii and Bitview. I'll let you all know when I publish them!

Anyways, that's all for now, so I'll talk to you all later. Bye!

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