Song of the day: Debbie Gibson - Out Of The Blue

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is almost ruined. The weather forecast said that it was supposed to rain today. First, at 4 and 5, there were meant to be SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS, but they moved north. Then, it was supposed to rain again from 7 to around 10. Nope, nothing. It's supposed to rain at 3 AM now, but 1) I'd rather it be in the day so I can enjoy the rain and 2) I've lost my belief in that claim as well. Why must the weather be this way?

Additionally in the "ugh" department, we went through my supply list today for school. Somehow, despite having precisely one gazillion composition notebooks that I like, never use (I needed two), we've ran out of the spiral notebooks. I need two for school, but we only have one in the house. So we're going to pick one up when we go shopping tomorrow. One thing we don't need, however, is pencils. In our school supplied stockpile, we have probably a thousand pencils. For some reason, we just bought a tonne when I went into (I believe) grade one and we've been running mostly off of them for our pencils ever since.

Also, in relation to those Murder, She Wrote books I mentioned last time: there's one called Murder on the QE2 that I've wanted to read even more than all the others, and my parents found it as well as one more! They also found like a hundred books by some guy named Isaac Asimov. I looked him up, and he apparently did over 500 books in his life!

But yeah, anyways, that's all that I have to talk about for now, so I'll talk to you all later. Bye!

Song of the day: Lee Ann Womack - I Hope You Dance

So today, I've watched three and a half or four episodes (I can't remember which) of 7th Heaven. I saw my dad watching it on TV a while ago and it interested me, so when I found out that it's on Hulu, I started watching right away.

Also, speaking of TV, if you've read almost any of my recent blog posts, you'll know that I love Murder, She Wrote. Well, there's a series of tie-in books starring the show's main character, Jessica Fletcher. Anyways, my parents have been going through my mother's books for some reason, and I was asking them if we could have pizza for dinner, when I found one on top of a stack. I looked around some more, and noticed four more! So yeah, after I finish the book I'm reading right now, I'll get on reading those!

Speaking of pizza, we had some tonight, and by some miracle, I managed to eat two slices (which isn't that abnormal) plus a whopping FOUR breadsticks! I'm surprised I didn't go into one of those "food comas" where you nap after you eat a lot! And honestly, whenever my family buys a pizza, that's normally dinner for two or three nights since we normally get two pizzas.

Also, it's less than two weeks until school. Ugh. What's annoying is that they're trying to make us go on some dumb team-building day, which includes a high rope course and ziplining. I have gotten this far in my life without having to climb ropes, and I wouldn't like to start now with some dangling ropes that are feet above the ground. Also, I'm probably making this seems worse in my mind than it really will be, but I still really don't want to go ziplining. Ugh.

But yeah, anyways, that's all that I have to talk about tonight, so I'll talk to you all later. Bye!

Song of the day: Caitlyn Myers (feat Lilypichu, Annapantsu, and Lizz Robinett) - Never Gonna Give You Up (Japanese Version)

So there's two weeks from today until supply drop-off, and two weeks from tomorrow until school starts. I haven't even started doing my summer reading videos or reading my AP Human Geo book! Procratination sucks.

Also, in my continued quest to dress like I'm from the 80s, the other day I tried to tease my hair with a comb, with not-that-bad results. It was only after this, however, that I learned that it's apparently bad for your hair. Ugh. I guess the next time I go to the hair place, I might have them see what they can do.

Also, I'm thinking of adding new sections to this site, like one for my writing or one for The Facts Of Life. What do you all think?

Also, in quickfire news it's going to be back above 30 degrees on Friday. But at least Sunday is supposed to be rainy!

But yeah, anyways, that's all that I have to talk about for now, so I'll talk to you all later. Bye!

Song of the day: Lorie - Pres De Moi

As quickly as the rain came, it left. It only lasted one day, and though it's still below thirty (until Friday, when it's supposed to be back to 32), it's now sunny once again. *sigh*

Alas, the back to school push is back. I need to film my two video reviews for English (my mum is also insisting that I do a third), and yesterday, my parents and I went to Kohl's to find me some new school pants. I ended up with a few pairs of jeans, and the realization that for some reason Kohl's no longer has mens' skinny jeans. There's "classic", "straight", "thin", and I think one other, but skinny jeans are apparently only for women. Speaking of womens' jeans, I saw these "super-fit" or whatever they're called jeans, which are supposed to fit like leggings. I tried on a pair, and the legs fit perfectly but the waistband was just a bit too big. I tried the next smaller size that I could find, and both the legs and the waistband were too tiny. Oh well.

Also, I've been wanting '80s hair recently, so today, I tried teasing it. It was only after this that I found out that it's apparently bad for your hair. It was a bit too tangly for me as well, but at least it looked kind of '80s-esque. :(

Also, I've been watching a lot of "The Family" sketches from the Carol Burnett Show lately, which were the basis for the show Mama's Family, if you don't know. I've also been watching sketches by those standup comedians that post sketches to YouTube, like John Crist. They're not all great, but there are some there that I think are somewhat funny.

But back to back to school. Before school starts, I have to visit my grandmother's again (my mother's picking up some things), get new school supplies, and I have a dentist appointment the day before school. Ugh. Oh well.

But yeah, anyways, that's all that I have to talk about for now, so I'll talk to you all later. Bye!

Song of the day: Hilary Duff - Come Clean

So yesterday, my mother and I were at a strip mall to get me some new school clothes (ugh, less than three weeks), and whilst we were there, we stopped at a dollar store. And me being me, what should've been a $5 trip turned into a $20 trip. I got two tubes of lip gloss (I LOVE LIP GLOSS), one a bright pink and one a subtler lip colour. I also got a little blending sponge thingamajig, some gum, some cookies n creme chapstick that I could not resist, and an apple cinnamon candle.

I've also been on the hunt for some nice concealer recently and at said dollar store shopping stree, I thought I had found the perfect product. Or at least the best one that I had seen in any dollar store. It was the lightest shade they had available (or should I say lighter? They only had two shades.) and in the bad dollar store lighting, I thought it was a pretty great match for my skin tone. But let's see what happens when we contrast my pale, could-probably-pass-for-a-vampire-because-I-rarely-go-outside skin and this tan, pretty-much-the-colour-of-khaki-dress-pants concealer. So yeah, that's two tubes of concealer I probably won't use. But on the upside, maybe if I scuff my wooden desk I can use it to cover it up.

Also, for some reason I've been obsessed with Gordon Ramsay cips on YouTube recently. Like I've spent maybe 1/3 of my YouTube-watching time over the past few days watching Hell's Kitchen, Hotel Hell, and like all of his shows. I've also watched some more Murder, She Wrote, and I think I love that programme more and more with each episode!

Also, I woke up this morning to rain. Thank God! And I can see the forecast through Thursday, and none of the days have a high above twenty-nine degrees! YES! The heat index recently was above forty degrees, so this is a WELCOME change.

Also, in quickfire news, the other day I was making some Kraft Dinner for lunch, and I meant to cook half a box of pasta. I put in the corresponding amount of water to half of a box of Kraft Dinner, but only after I accidentally added a whole box of pasta. I'm just glad my "not thinking whilst cooking" incident was when I was making Kraft Dinner, not something that can explode or something. (I'd hope Kraft Dinner isn't explosive).

But the weirdest thing about all of that is that somehow I managed to eat an ENTIRE BOX of Kraft Dinner. It was just a box's worth of microwaved macaroni and cheese, but by the way I acted, you'd think I'd just singlehandedly devoured an entire Christmas dinner meant for a family of ten.

But yeah, anyways, that's all that I have to talk about tonight, so I'll talk to you all later. Bye!

Song of the day: Carole King (feat Louise Goffin) - Where You Lead I Will Follow

In the recent trend of things failing to work as they should, the Internet Annoyance, as I'm dubbing it, has continued. In addition, an entire new annoyance has started. The Touch ID on my iPhone has seemed to become weirdly particular as to exactly how I place my finger and it sometimes take many attempts to log in, to the point where it makes me put my code in instead of my Touch ID. On the other hand, sometimes it works perfectly. Oh well.

Also, I just realized today that I have a Golden Girls themed board/card/whatever game that I got for Christmas and my family and I still haven't played it with my family. Well, it'll have to go on the list of bits and bobs that I want to do this summer. SPeaking of cheesecake (a main theme of the Golden Girls and the game is cheesecake), I really wanna bake some. I have a no-bake cheesecake mix in the pantry, but I'd rather make it from scratch. I have seen a 200-year-old recipe from a video that Ann Reardon did looking at an old cookbook which could work except that I'd rather not manually make cheese. So I'll have to scrounge around the Web for recipes that are made from scratch as in not just using some powder mixes and milk, but not as in literally separating cream and curds to manually make cheese.

Also, I found out today that the Office Depot in my city has closed since the last time I went there. Which sucks since that's normally where I got all of my notebooks for school and that kind of stuff, plus it was just a cool store. I guess I'll have to try Walmart or something.

Speaking of school supplies, I was looking through my supply list and found out that we get to know our electives THE DAY BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS. Not a lot of time to go out and buy supplies. Honestly, I wish there was an option for a study hall or something, as most of the electives seemed rather underwhelming. I suppose Astronomy might be nice though. I hope I put it as my first choice.

Also, the new episode of Belbel Land (a chaotic/amazing YouTube series that Verivery make) STILL doesn't have English subtitles last time I checked, only Chinese, plus the Korean subtitles in the video itself. Which is odd, considering that Verivery's team is normally so good with subtitles! But I don't speak Korean or Chinese, so I'll just have to wait. Oh well.

Anyways, that's all that I have to write about for tonight, so I'll talk to you all later. Bye!

Song of the day: Iyaz - Replay

So, my Internet connection has been a bit... upset recently. It gets slow as it pleases, I think mainly just to get me ticked off.

Also, I don't know if I told you all about it, but a week ago yesterday I volunteered with a local volunteering group making dinner at the Ronald McDonald House. Well, I did it again last night with the same group, including the same leader and one of the same other people. Anyways, it (like the previous time) was really fun! Sadly, I don't know if we're scheduled to do it again.

Also, I've had a bit of inspiration to start baking recently. I love watching baking shows and YouTube channels and that kinda stuff and I just wanna learn to bake like that! Like, I can just imagine myself baking a cake and it just being amazing and I want to get to that place. Like Ann Reardon or Mary Berry. It kind of runs in the family, as well. My grandmother used to have a little business where she'd sell cakes. Actually, maybe I'll just have her teach me or at least give me some tips and tricks next time I go up to her house.

Also, does anyone else have an addiction to tvtropes? I love to look up the trope pages for my favourite shows/films/artists/etc and just explore that site for hours on end. I suppose it's just my version of the classic Wikipedia binge, though.

Speaking of addictions, I've also watched some videos by Gordon Ramsay and a ton of videos by Vi Hart recently. Honestly, I think I'm addicted to Vi Hart's videos now. They somehow make math fun!

Anyways, that's all that I have to talk about for now, so I'll talk to you all later. Bye!

Song of the day: Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles

So first off, today and yesterday, I’ve watched so much more Murder, She Wrote. At this rate, I’ll probably finish the whole show before school starts back up.

Speaking of that, I got the supply list recently. I forgot what I ranked my choices as on the electives form, but I’m just hoping that I don’t get a few certain classes. I don’t want to gripe too lengthily, but yes, teachers have something to do with that.

Also, it was finally cloudy today! It’s been nonstop sunny for the past week or so, so it was a relief that it was finally nice today. But, it’ll only last so long: it’s supposed to be thirty-six bleeding degrees both this Wednesday AND this Thursday! Thankfully, it’s supposed to rain on Friday though. Thank God!

Also, I found out recently that they’ve posted episodes of The Facts of Life on YouTube. They being a YouTube channel called The Norman Lear Effect, dedicated to the shows of Norman Lear like Diff’rent Strokes (which Facts is a spinoff of), Maude, and of course, The Facts of Life. They have three episodes up now. I saw that they used to have another one (Mother and Daughter, from season 5) but I guess they got rid of it.

Speaking of TV, I kinda want to watch I Love Lucy. I just remembered a Golden Girls show where Blanche and Rose watch a marathon of it, and I’ve heard great things of it. I mean, if people still talk about it this long later, it must be worth watching!

Anyways, that's all that I have to talk about for now, so I'll talk to you all later. Bye!

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