View the archive here and a little who's who on my blog here. My old miccroblog can be accessed here.
Song of the day: Girls' Generation - Love and Girls
Hey everyone! It has been such a week. Well, to start off, tonight at like 7:00, we had a fire alarm, which is better than 1:00 AM, but since it's so cold it was still very annoying. And we got a surprise new roommate. He's cool so far---I met up with him today---but it was still out of nowhere. And this morning, when I went to work before my 10:30 class, my laptop was dead so I couldn't practice computer science, and when I finally did practice it, some crap wouldn't work, so I need to go to my professor's office hours tomorrow. Agh! And I can't even remember what else has happened this week, but it's been pretty long.
And I feel like I have so much homework somehow, but not hard. I don't know, I just feel like I don't "turn off" from my day until after I get back from dinner, which normally isn't until 7:00, so I feel like I don't have a nice long evening, like I like to have, which leads to me staying up later... like I'm doing right now. UGH!! And did I mention that it was almost -10 Fahrenheit on Tuesday morning when I went to class? Since when do I live in the Yukon?
I did have a really good moment this week though---last weekend, Blue and I went to the mall in the city nearby, and then afterwards we went ice skating! It was my first time, so there was an embarrassing amount of French profanities coming out of my mouth, but I only fell on my rear twice in an hour! And sadly there were no dreamy guys for me to do a rom-com fall onto, but oh well... maybe next time! Which reminds me, have y'all seen Dalibor Dvorsky? He's this TOTALLY dreamy hockey player. I'd insert a photo but I need to use the bathroom, so I'll talk to all y'all later. Toodles!
Published on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 11:03 PM.
Song of the day: B*Witched - C'est La Vie
Hello hello everyone! I've had an eventful past few days, but an oddly sparse few days at the same time, all of which I suppose comes along with the start of a semester. My classes are all going well so far. For one, the French lit class I mentioned last time is actually the right class (although I think most of the class took French Lit 1 first, that just refers to the time period of the literature in question being earlier) and it's going decently, although I did get a jumpscare when reading the syllabus, because apparently there will be a term paper worth FORTY PERCENT of our grade which he hasn't mentioned once in class. But at least I caught it earlier than the final paper jumpscare in my freshman seminar last semester! I thank God I don't have that professor again if that's how he's going to be. And apparently my French lit professor is an insanely easy grader, according to my classmates who have already had him.
But yeah, that class is going well except for A) the professor mumbles and B) he hasn't put a single thing up on our school's on-line platform---we don't even have a page---and it doesn't sound like he's likely to at all. Also, since the whole class is just a straight line at the front of the class (there's only six of us) it feels pretty antisocial before class and everything, except for two girls that I think are already friends. But besides that, all my classes are pretty good! My linguistics class is a half-on-line hybrid, but the professor seems nice enough and I think I'll adjust relatively easily to the format. My British literature class, about Romanticism and the Lake District, is INSANELY AWESOME. We've only had one lecture, and already I'm in love with that class---to be fair, it is right up my alley.
My statistics class doesn't seem too notable yet, but there's a girl from my Brit lit class in that class and in our lab yesterday, we happened to sit next to each other and had a chitchat about Jane Austen! So that was pretty epic, if I do say so myself. And then there's probably my least favourite class so far, computer science. It's not a big terrible thing at all (although apparently my section of the previous class covered less than the other and our professor falsely told us we were going to relearn the entire last chapter anyways and he had coordinated with this new professor and everything was going to be fine), it's just a snoozefest. Like literally, I want to sleep in there. The room has big windows, so the professor keeps the lights off and just lets the natural light in, and it's a 1:30 so it's always right after lunch, and so I hope and pray I never fall asleep in that class because that would be mortifying.
But today has been a nothing day. My Brit lit professor cancelled class (even though today was only the second class period of the semester) because he had to go to the doctor's, and that was my only class all day, so I had nothing to do. At first it was good, but then it devolved into me rotting doing I literally don't know what for a good few hours, and having a humpty mood until I had dinner with a friend. And I somehow procrastinated for ages on a simple assignment as well, and now my vision has gone weird, I think from looking at the computer in a dark room for too long even though I've turned my computer's brightness down and I have some lights on, just not the overhead. At least I got to work on my site today! Although I do have months' worth of blog posts to archive and I dread doing that. And now I'm going to shower and hope my vision magically fixes itself. Toodle-oo!
Published on Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 8:58 PM.
Song of the day: Elsa Esnoult - Pour Qui Tu M'Prends?
Well, it's almost time for my first class of the semester! I have a 10:30 French literature class, which is kind of worrying me since it's French Literature II, but French Literature I wasn't offered this semester and isn't a prerequisite, so I think it's the right class, or at least I hope so?? But it's still scary!! It was either that or a French film class, but I took the literature class. I think the I and II classes are just different time periods, but I don't remember 100%. Well anyways, I'm just nervously rambling, but I'm not as nervous as the beginning of last semester. But this will be my first college class done entirely in French, and the professor has an accent I'm not 100% familiar with, so I really hope I do well!
Later in the day, I have computer science and statistics, which I'm not as worried about---especially with statistics, as apparently that professor is an angel. I'm excited but nervous at the same time! I just needed to get some words out onto the page, y'all. I know I've said this a tonne, but I just really hope I'm in all the right classes. I do have one less credit hour compared to last semester, so hopefully that makes a positive difference in terms of workload! But I didn't have time to to all the stuff I needed to do in terms of the K-pop club I'm starting, so I need to try some more on that later. So anyways, I guess I'm going to go try and find my classes now, I guess?? I know my French class is near where my English class was next semester, so I'm in the same good old hallway. So I guess I'l talk to all y'all later and report on how everything goes. Toodles! :)
Published on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 9:55 AM.
Song of the day: Elsa Esnoult - Pour Qui Tu M'Prends?
Hello everyone! It's now Friday, and I go back to college in two days. It has been a month. A whole month of winter vacation. Somehow. What the heck? And I've seen Green once, and Blue, my bestest friend who is now in the same state as me for the first time in ages, a whopping total of zero times! That sickness really sucked. >:( My ear is still kind of clogged, but besides that I'm thankfully better, but I still can't see Blue because it's snowed again! It's really pretty BUT we were going to go visit our old high school and then all of the high schools in the area cancelled, so... yeah. At least we have tomorrow to hang out though! And it WILL be epic OR ELSE.
I think I'm less ticked off now about the whole situation, especially as Blue is in town for a while longer so we could hang out after my semester starts, but it's still really annoying. But c'est la vie, I suppose, and maybe this all happened so I'd have to sit back and veg out for a while, and rest my brain. SPeaking of, I'm still pretty tired, probably since I've gone back to the normal time I wake up over the past few days even though I'm still on the tail end of the cold. But I can't wake up late during the semester, so I think I just have to get used to it and whatnot. Also, I bought my textbooks last night, and HELLO. The total bill was nearing $350. My textbooks last semester didn't even cost that much! And half of it is ONE TEXTBOOK, for a basic statistics class!! Surely that class could use one of those open-source on-line textbooks, right?? Thankfully, I had some money set aside for my books, but still, HOLY COW!
I've ended up crocheting some more, at long last, since I'm recuperating from my sickness! I finished the coaster I started making for the coffee table in my dorm, and I'm going to make a few more for a full set! After that, I might try making a scarf if I can find a yarn I like. This crocheting stuff is really fun! I've also spend a lot of time on Minecraft, both in my own world I created on my Switch (which I want to make a forever world!) and playing on servers with my cousin, #2! We've mostly been playing Bed Wars, but there's also been some survival games (!!), Death Run, and more. It's really fun!
I've also been thinking of getting one of the white plastic MacBooks, to match my white iMac, and upgrading it, and triple or quadruple-booting it with an old version of OS X, Windows XP, Windows 7 and a Linux distro! I'm planning on studying abroad next year, so, given that I'll have to learn to pack light (God help us all) I should probably just take a laptop. Well, why not make my own (pretty much) dream laptop? I'm thinking of getting the very last model so I could give it 16GB of RAM, and then like a 2TB SSD to facilitate that insane quadruple-boot setup. That would be so cool, methinks!
For my final, and most exciting, piece of news, I have a new wing for my iPod "museum"! My mum's friend was cleaning some stuff out and set me a haul. The centrepiece, soon to be featured on my iPods page, is an iPod classic! It's a 120GB grey last-gen model, and while I couldn't get it working without resetting it, I synced some of my stuff over onto it and it works like a charm! The iQuiz game these things had is actually super fun! My only worry is a noise coming from the hard drive---I'm not sure if it's a normal noise or if the drive might be dying. But on top of that, I got another fifth-generation nano, this one green, which my mum immediately co-opted, as well as an Apple iWatch (which I freely gave to her) and two iPhone 4's! Those still have the iCloud lock on them, and sadly, it looks like they were updated to iOS 7, but nevertheless, this is all super cool!
So that's all for now! I guess I'll talk to you in the new semester! Ugh, has it seriously already been a month? AGH!!
Published on Friday, January 10, 2025, at 12:08 PM.
Song of the day: Shinee - View
Well... it's been a while, hasn't it? Like, two weeks. Christmas was pretty cool---my favourite gift was a Verivery lighstick! I also got the complete DVD box set of The Office, a British flag throw blanket, and some other things I can't remember at the moment. I also got to meet my little cousins' adorable puppies, and they were all relatively calm on Christmas! Emphasis on the relatively---there were still some rambunctious moments, but we were able to watch the Charlie Brown Christmas special in peace! My grannie also bought me and my cousins each a Bluetooth speaker/phone stand---it's some cheap generic brand and I haven't actually tested it out yet, but it seems cool, I reckon. She always gets some matching gift like this for us all every year. We also each got a mug with our name on it, except mine was my dead name since I'm not out... oy.
I was planning to come out to my parents, at least, during this break, but my break got derailed. A week and a bit ago, a couple days after Christmas, I started to have a bit of a sore throat. Which quickly developed into the Killer Cold from Hell, with the cough that wouldn't stop, and basically led to me spending the past week sitting in a bean bag and watching clips of The Office and Dance Moms on YouTube all day, every day. I have played some Minecraft to switch it up, but I wasn't able to get anything done that I've wanted to get done. I was tidying my room again, including going through all my books, but it was right in the middle of doing that that I got sick, so there are still piles of books I was trying to sort out, and that's not even mentioning all the trinkets and DVDs and video tapes that I never got to go through. And I wanted to do a lot of work on the site as well. I still have this week left of break to do what I can (and to finally hang out with Blue and Green, as Blue got back into town whilst I was sick!!) but it's just really frustrating that I missed out on a lot of what was supposed to be the best part of my winter break, since the first week was just crashing after finals anyhow and then I had to worry about Christmas.
But I hope everyone's been well and had a merry Christmas and a happy new year. It still feels a bit weird that it's 2025, but I've been thinking that it would start feeling real as soon as I signed off a blog psot with 2025, which I think is the truth! But I keep typing 2024 as I'm writing this post by reflex instead of 2025. Well, anyways, I'll try and work some on my site tonight. Yesterday and today, I've been feeling quite a bit better, and so today I suddenly got the feeling that I've just wasted a week of my break being sick. Agh!!! But thank God I'm better now. I'll talk to all y'all soon!
Published on Monday, January 6, 2025, at 5:44 PM.