Blog - March 2024

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Spring Break Saturday

Song of the day: Taylor Swift - 22

I promise y'all, I meant to blog more this week! Even on spring break, I seem to have weekend-blogging-only syndrome. (WBOS... not very catchy. Lizzie's Syndrome, perhaps?) Much of this week has been very good. I finally got my room rearranged, and after what seems like ages, I'm really happy with it! My new TV (still no picture tonight since I'm not at my desktop, but soon!) is also really cool, and I used it to watch Titanic on VHS today! It was a good movie, and got me thinking about natural disasters and God and all that. But it also got me thinking about something really important: how handsome young Leonardo DiCaprio was! Especially with his hair wet for some reason. So he's this week's fictional crush of the week! (Is this going to be a thing now?)

I did spend a couple of days this week worrying about college and jobs, but that's over now. I regret that I had to worry that much, but I did do stuff about it. And I actually worked on the site this week! I'd probably work on it more if I had two weeks---I think a lot of this first week was just crashing, plain and simple. Maybe it was a bad idea to put the week after school gets out as my beginning availability on job applications. At least I'll hopefully be only working part-time---I don't know if I could handle full-time, at least at the beginning of the summer. But I also couldn't spend the whole summer without a job again, especially since one of my best friends is going to be out of town for the most part, and if I don't go out with my friends or do something besides sit around all day, I'll go bloody bonkers. I wish I had been able to get together with my friends over spring break, but oh well.

Random aside: right now my mum and I are watching Taylor Swift's Eras tour recording on streaming, and it's quite good! At least the songs I like, because aside from some of her songs from Lover and the very occasional other songs, I don't really like her catalog after about 1989. But anyways, I'm tired and I want to surf the Net a little before I start my very long, drawn-out nighttime routine, so I'll go for now. Toodles!

Published on Saturday, March 30, 2024, at 8:56 PM.

Spring Break Has Sprung!

Song of the day: 2NE1 - I Don't Care

Spring break is here at last! It's been a fun but tiring week this past week---it was my school's annual pre-spring break weel where we switch up classes for fun stuff. I was part of a class that was mostly about crafting, etc., but also included other handcrafted stuff. It gave me some time to work on my French knitting! Speaking of, I meant to work some more on it tonight whilst I watched some Gilmore Girls on my shmancy new TV (more on that soon) but I didn't end up doing so, sadly. :( Anyways, my favourite part was honestly just hanging around and chatting whilst working on some crafts!

And now to the shmancy TV. I believe I'd talked about this before, but a family member found a CRT TV for free on Nextdoor or Facebook or Craigslist or something, to replace the dinky little baby portable TV that was in my room before. It took me and both my parents to haul it from the car into my room, but I set it up with my Wii, my DVD player, etc., and I really like it! It's nice to be able to relax whilst watching TV without having to hunch over some teeny little thing that was meant for tailgating. (Photo of the old TV below; photo of the new TV to follow soon, probably in my next entry.)

Anyways, it's spring break now! I'm not sure all what I'm going to do this week, but I do have some little college things and a Web project (not for my site) to work on, so I have enough to keep me interested! I am also hoping to just do some good, old-fashioned Web surfing as well, though, since I feel like I don't get to do that often enough. I'm really ready for a break after working non-stop for school and college, and I will be more than glad to be done with all this! Although the summer will have its own worries as college gets closer. So I'll just focus on now---and now I'm going to do a little surfing before bed. Good night!

P.S. this week's TV crush is Dean from Gilmore Girls. Seriously, y'all---he was good in the beginning and then they ruined his character to justify Jess! And have you ever seen anyone dreamier??

Published on Saturday, March 23, 2024, at 9:22 PM.

I Love Ricky (and Surfing the Net)

Song of the day: Girls' Generation - Into The New World (Remix)

This past week, a local community has had a book sale, and so I volunteered my cashiering services! It was super fun, and I came home with ten or so books myself, which I still need to put in my catalog spreadsheet---I've gotten really behind on that! Besides that, these past few days, I started watching I Love Lucy, and may I just say, Ricky Ricardo is dreamy! There's something about that style of men, that was prevalent in the 50s, that for some reason is just dreamy to me. Maybe it's the Charlene from Designing Women in me shining through... after all, she and I are very similar!

I've spent a lot of today surfing the Net, my first good surfing session in quite a while, and may I say that it's been quite fun! I normally only get to use the Net in thirty-minute increments after busy days, so it's hard to have fun or discover much of anything interesting in those time spans. Maybe I should just have a surfing session every weekend, at least, for a few hours!

The past few weeks, I've become a lot more conscious of how much time I spend on the Net, and I'm trying to not make it my default state like it so often is these days. I think that I'm making a lot of progress! Although I think it would behoove me to find some sort of off-line replacement for my morning Bible devotional from the YouVersion app on my iPad---it always frustrates me to be on-line so early in the morning. I find it significantly easier recently to only be on-line when I want to---an invaluable thing! One tip is that, after each session of using the Net, I close all my windows, etc. If I want to find a site again, I can search through my history---otherwise, it feels like there's more possibilities when I next open my browser. Having my e-mail client, newsreader, etc. totally closed by default keeps me out of the compulsive checking habit! So this is a big Tip from Lizzie: quit applications when you're through using them! And use the Net moreso in sessions than a constant pick-up and put-down style.

Also, the other day, my mother picked up a CRT TV for me for my room that someone was giving away free! I still need to make a lot of space for it, but I'm quite excited! But that's it for now. Toodles!

Published on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at 5:44 PM.


Songs of the day: "Spaghetti Again"

Hey y'all! It's been a pretty long week so far---I woke up yesterday thinking it was Thursday, and Heaven only knows the whole week has felt like an interminable slog. So I'm glad that it's finally Friday tomorrow! I'll be pretty busy this weekend, but overall I should be able to relax a decent amount, especially since I won't have any homework next week.

But anyways, onto the title. It's been nice and rainy here all day, and was very stormy earlier in the day. Sometime in the middle of the night, there was a pretty extreme thunderstorm---the thunder was so intense at one point that it made the hammer that strikes the bells on my alarm clock move, so my alarm clock rang a little. It was a bit startling at the time, because when it's a super severe storm I always feel like it's my duty to stay awake in case there's a tornado or something and I have to rouse my family, but besides that I love thunderstorms. The dark grey clouds just give me a sense of glee! I'm a pluviophile to the max, in case you didn't know, and when I wake up and it's rainy, I just have a feeling that it's going to be a good day.

Besides that, it's been another pretty boring week so far. There have been a couple interesting things happening at my school, but for privacy reasons I won't discuss them here. In other news: I switched Web browsers, so now I use Waterfox. Big whoop. I'll talk to all y'all later---hopefully with some fun stuff to relate. Toodles!

Published on Thursday, March 14, 2024, at 9:11 PM.

Boring Week

Songs of the day: LaBoum - Journey to Atlantis

Howdy! I wish I could've blogged sooner, but Heaven only knows how busy a week I've had, so alas, it's had to wait. I've also had to wait to have fun surfing the Net, so I've not been able to have much on-line fun this week as well. Not much of interest has happened this week, really, besides parent-teacher conferencer, which were pretty uneventful---so again, not much of interest. My mum and I also went to some garage sales, where I got a tiny book about pink flamingoes and a 60s flower child costume because the blouse was cute. I was thinking of getting a CRT TV but didn't in the end, and that's really it.

I've just been feeling really busy this past week, you know? Like I haven't gotten nearly enough time to take a load off and relax. I'll be really glad when it comes time for spring break! My gosh. The one interesting thing, now that I think about it, is that I've been playing a lot more Stardew Valley this week! I've gotten back into the swing of things, and it's really fun. And that's about it. I'll talk to all y'all later---toodles!

Published on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 8:56 PM.

I'm Back!

Songs of the day: NewJeans - Attention

I'm back! And happy March, all y'all! I didn't update my site last week because I was pretty much entirely off-line, since I took a trip to Wisconsin! I won't go super in-depth, but I got to have some fun going around Milwaukee and staying in a pretty swanky AirB&B with some classmates and it was really fun. We watched Twilight, I bought a super cute scarf, people jumped into a freezing cold pond---the usual! I had never been to Milwaukee before, so I had a super fun time there. I also helped my nan bake a cake on Saturday and yesterday, Blue and I saw a movie and went out on the town a little bit. And now I'm back into the doldrums of school, although I only have a four-day week this week! So although I didn't get much time to just sit and rest over the weekend (besides accidentally sleeping in yesterday because my alarm was off) I still have such an opportunity in my near future.

But I'm pretty dang tired---last night was the first night that I've gotten to bed before 11:30 or midnight this past week, and on the trip two nights in a row I only got to bed at 2:00. So I really need to rest up!

Besides that, I've been thinking a lot about permacomputing recently. I have an e-pen pal (shout-out if you're reading this! :D) who uses quite an old computer for all his everyday tasks and that's inspired me to see if I could do the same. My favourite option is the iBook G4, since it's the most powerful of Apple's consumer laptops that use the PowerPC architecture, around which there's quite a nice community when compared to its pretty immediate successors. It also has a 4:3 aspect ratio screen, which I really like, and apparently the 12-inch iBook is around the exact size of a sheet of computer paper, which is really portable! And it actually has ports, including *gasp* a DVD drive! And like I said, there's quite a community, especially on the MacRumours forums, around PowerPC Macs, unlike many other old computers, with people writing cool utilities to be able to use Power Macs effectively. I really want to try it soon!

Anyways, right now I'm writing this during PE. We got invited by the art teacher to come help out art students with projects, but Blue and I kind of just ended up doing little to nothing, so I decided to blog. I have a four-day week this week (thank God---I'm still tired from the trip!!) and I really need to just rest. Thank God my only homework is going to be essay writing, which I can easily do tomorrow! So I'm going to go home and do a much-needed bit of relaxing. I'll talk to all y'all later!

Published on Monday, March 4, 2024, at 2:49 PM.

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