Blog - September 2021

29-9-2021 - 10:13 PM

Song of the day: BTS - Butter

So I've had a bit of a mood whiplash these past two days. Yesterday everything seemed to be annoying me for one reason or another, which wasn't helped by 1) an awkward conversation with my math teacher (I asked her for more notecards after I had run out and she said I was being too assertive with the notecards, which confused me a bit but oh well) and 2) a whole heap of other annoyances to make for a crap day.

Meanwhile, today was much better! I was determined to not have a crap day, and so my day got off to a pretty good start when I heard the Backstreet Boys on the radio on the way to school. Not even hearing Maroon 5 on the radio could bring me down!

And then, in my French class, we got to go outside for a bit and it wasn't that bad! Then, we had a fun day in biology (bio-related games and stuff) and a decent lunch! I got my English essay back after that (at last, the suspense is over!) and got a 98! And then I did a scene in my acting class which went well. And finally, about an hour or so after I got home, it started to rain!

Meanwhile, I have an essay due for my current events class a few weeks from now (at least the first draft) and an English essay rough draft due Friday. Other than that, I think that AP is just the big bad in terms of workload. I meant to do my Human Geo homework tonight, but got caught up and so didn't. It's due Friday so I'd better remember!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

27-9-2021 - 10:09 PM

Song of the day: Britt Nicole - Gold

So I've been reading a lot recently as well, and actually, it's making me feel really great! Like I read a tonne as a child, and then started reading more earlier today after falling off it a bit, but more recently I've just been addicted to reading. I don't know if it's just the novelty of my Kindle or something else, but I really love it! I just got done reading Lessons in Love by Charlie Cochrane (it's a historical gay romance/murder mystery) and I recommend it to pretty much everyone!

Also, I might do a Kindle review soon, so stay tuned for that! Anyways, school has still had quite a bit of work. We got a digital version of our precalc textbook that I tried to get onto tonight to do my homework, but it expired. :( Though it was working Friday, so I don't know what went wrong, especially as we only got it a week or two ago. I had to get a friend to send pictures of the pages.

Also, AP Human Geo is still a drag. I don't know why anybody takes AP Social Studies, unless they're super good at it. I just wish that I could've done AP in a subject I'm very strong with, like languages perhaps. Though thankfully, I'll have opportunities in future to do those. But actually, I don't even know if the universities I'm looking at offer credit for doing well on AP exams. I'll have to look into that.

Also, how are we only a month into school? 4 or so weeks already feels like a year, and the weeks seem to drag on so much! I already can't wait for Thanksgiving break. ;-;

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

25-9-2021 - 10:09 PM

Song of the day: Roh Tae Hyun - BiRTHday

So I've been reading like a fiend on my Kindle! I'm around 40% through my book for school, and I borrowed a copy of The Gentleman's Guide to Vide and Virtue from my local library, and I'm already 70% through it! You should all read it :) I also downloaded two free romance books from the Kindle charts (they both sounded... entertaining, and one sounded entirely ridiculous. That one's called Her Cowboy King if you're wondering.) Plus, I got a gay romance book for $0.99 which apparently is super cute and I have some others on my radar! I'm so excited to read some more :)

Speaking of literary stuff, English class! (OK, my segue game's dropped off since last time.) Anyways, I turned in my first essay last weekend and am anxiously awaiting my grade. The teacher said it was really good when she reviewed my first draft, but nonetheless I'm still slightly scared that I'm going to flunk. Ugh.

Speaking of school (slightly better), I was talking with my grandparents and little cousin on the phone earlier and asking her about school. (She's in second grade this year.) I asked her what she was doing in math (apparently her favourite subject) and she said she was doing addition. Now that brings me back a bit. And then I told her that I'm doing parabolas in precalc class, and she proceeded to giggle for a minute straight about the word "parabola". Ah, childhood, I hardly knew ye.

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

23-9-2021 - 10:10 PM

Song of the day: Jesse McCartney - Beautiful Soul

So I finally got my Verivery album yesterday, almost an entire month after it was released! Unfortunately, it didn't come with the special poster as apparently I was out of the preorder window. On the upside, though, the company compensated by giving me like 10 BTS photocards and four BTS sticker sheets! Speaking of BTS, I've been playing BTS World on my phone recently and it's a really great game!

Also, speaking of stuff involving BTS, fanfiction! I want to write a crackfic, and so I've turned to Wattpad for research. I've had the app on my phone since around the time I got it, and I had it on my old phone, but it sat pretty much dormant until this week. I did also have it on my old iPod touch, and read it avidly on there in my preteen days, but this is my first big delve back into it.

Also, speaking of reading, (am I on a roll today or what?) I got a Kindle today out of the blue! I need to read a book for my Current Events class by the 7th, and the only way to get it on time was to get it on a Kindle, so my mother just handed me a new Kindle today when I was at my computer without context. I think she must've bought it on Prime Day (they were seriously discounted) and meant for it to be my Christmas present, but the need arose early, so I have it now. It has this super cute pink flamingo cover and I'm so excited to read stuff on it!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

21-9-2021 - 10:10 PM

Song of the day: Avril Lavigne - I'm With You

At last, autumn has arrived! Today's high was 22, as opposed to yesterday, which was 32 or 33. It's so friggin' nice!! Also, there was some rain last night and this morning, which made me very happy. (Except for the power flickers yesterday evening.) This morning was just some nice, lgith showers, but it was raining a whole petting zoo last night. Sadly, it doesn't look like there'll be any more rain this week.

Meanwhile, iOS 15 is out! Now I'm paitiently awaiting macOS Monterey. I set my phone to download it this morning, which it somehow did, despite my school's abismal Wi-Fi. Actually, in the middle of bio, I pulled my phone out to look something up, and it had updated itself! Most of the new stuff is small but cool, though I have to say that the new design for notification pop-ups just seems off to me. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get used to it in time.

Also, we finished reading The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde in English, so we're going to watch the movie! It's the one that stars Colin Firth (hunka hunka) and Dame Judi Dench, so I'm already happy with it. Also, random thought, but why isn't Colin Firth a sir? I should write the Queen about it. Imagine if she read it, of all the letter she must get! Someone should start a petition to the British Parliament to have Colin Firth knighted.

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

19-9-2021 - 9:57 PM

Song of the day: Backstreet Boys - Shape of My Heart

Finally, a three-day weekend! My school has some sort of inspection going on, so the teachers are taking Monday to work on that and we don't have school. :) It's just the rest I need after this hectic past week with the map and all. It's only less than a month into school, but it's already a bit exhausting. Actually, it's pretty much just Human Geo that's draining. But such is the AP life. Though, I suppose it may just be a thing with one teacher as I've not had any other AP classes. Hopefully the other AP classes I'll inevitably take will be less frantic.

Also, I recently remembered a site I found a while back called "Stories My Grandma Told Me". (link here) It's kind of a scary stories Web site, and after my latest English assignment, I'm back to being interested in creative writing. Sadly, I don't have creative writing class next semester, though I do have Art, another class I like. There's always next year!

Also, it's been consistently dry and almost always sunny for the past couple of weeks where I live and I am fed up with it! It was supposed to rain later this week, but just like every other rain prediction the past few weeks, it's been downgraded to "partly cloudy". British people have it good! (At least precipitation wise, I heard it gets super hot in the summers there)

Also, I'm kinda upset because I just remembered two online writers I loved a tonne (one I found in my old Wattpad library from when I was 12 when I looked through my old iPod touch and I found the other's tumblr stories in my bookmarks). Anyways, I looked for both of their profiles on their respective sites, but they were gone! :( I probably should've used the Internet Archive or something when I had the chance, because those were some good stories that are now lost forever. :(

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

16-9-2021 - 10:15 PM

Song of the day: SS501 - Snow Prince

At last, my homework frenzy is over. Like the calm after the storm, today I only had a few precalc problems to do for tomorrow. I think I did pretty well on my map, though I couple of people commented on it having "too much white space". I prefer to see it as minimalism. Or maybe I just couldn't be bothered. Who knows?

Also (shameless self-promo) I started a new site to post my stupid anecdotes! I have my first story written and ready to post. I have my first stupid story up now and there are many more to come! You can also subscribe with your favourite RSS reader! (I personally like The Old Reader (based off Google Reader) and NetNewsWire.)

Also, I've had some Adventures in Updating recently. I tried to update my iPhone to iOS 14.8 via my computer, all old-school, but it kept having issues and the ETA was 6 hours, so I gave up. It took like a half-hour on my phone itself. WHAT?!? Anyways, I had to leave my MacBook updating to OS X 11.6 or whatever overnight, and when it comes to my iMac, I tried doing it, but it got stuck on "preparing - ten minutes left". I'll have to try again tomorrow.

Also, I went to have a turkey and cheese sandwich this evening for dinner, but we only had end slices of bread, so I got a tortilla instead and made a wrap. I also got a couple of basil leaves from our garden and the one tiny tomato we grew this year and made a really nice wrap! It was my first turkey wrap as I've only had chicken wraps before, and I really liked it!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

14-9-2021 - 8:19 PM

Song of the day: Wonho - Blue

So once again, I have a crap-ton of homework, so sorry if this is too short!

So I have a map project to work on for Human Geo. It was supposed to be do yesterday but THANK GOD he pushed it back to Thursday, whcih is more time, if not enough to do it comfortable. He keeps saying that he posted the assignment over a week ago, but we couldn't use the projector to trace our maps until yesterday, which is the big starting point. Anyways, we have to talk about what we did this summer. One classmte talked about his escapades when he went to California, which he described as "not that much". What is my summer, chopped liver?

Speaking of California, whoever was rowing my Verivery album across the Pacific in a canoe or whatever finally arrived in LA, because I found out that it got there today. Which means they've got a hell of a lot of work to do if it's supposed to be here by tomorrow, like Amazon says. But oh well, such is life.

Speaking of k-pop (am I on a rool or what?!?), Wonho released his new mini-album Blue Letter today and I love it! Like just look at the title track MV.

I mean, Wonho would totally be my high-school crush. Like he's so handsome and cute and sweet oh my gosh

Also, I have a Victorian tea party for English tomorrow since we finished reading The Importance of Being Earnest. My mum made apple scones! And I'm also bringing some of my truckload of tea. Speaking of which, today at lunch, my best friend and I watched an episode of The Golden Girls called "The Impotence of Being Earnest". Fitting puns!

Anyways, I urgently have other things to do like my human geo map, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

11-9-2021 - 9:57 PM

Song of the day: The Ting Tings - Shut Up and Let Me Go

So I have way too much homework this weekend. Today I finished a bio Webquest and some precalc, and tomorrow I have some French, as well as a bit of studying and some other stuff. How do I do it?

Also, I'm rewatching The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. I already watched that series earlier this year (see some of my earlier blog posts) and loved it the first time, so I'm super excited to rewatch it!

Also, I've been looking for some healthy recipes recently. I've come to terms with the facts that I might be eating a few too many unhealthy foods, so I'm trying to eat at least a little bit healthier. However, most of the recipes I've found out are a crap ton of lettuce with some variation of chopped vegetables and maybe one chicken cube if you're lucky. There is only so much one can do with greem leaves!

Also, today I tried to get an old Vista VM working, but the Internet refused to work and VMWare Tools said it needed Windows 7. Ugh.

Anyways, that's all I have to talk about for now, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

9-9-2021 - 9:57 PM

Song of the day: Rick Astley - Together Forever

So I somehow managed to get my Human Geo photo-essay finished in time. Although I might have forgotten to send it in until just now, I forget. Oh well. Also, I have a Webquest for Biology, but 1) the page isn't up anymore, and 2) when I tried, it was Flash. (RIP Flash)

Also, the past couple of days, I've been having quite the bout of computer inconveniences. So I've been wanting to find an MSN revival service for a while, akin to AIM Phoenix, and I finally found one: Escargot! I went to set it up in my XP VM with the "recommended" version of MSN on their Web site, version 9.0. There's a crap ton of patching and messing with TLS settings and updates to do, which I did, and yet it still didn't work. I eventually got frustrated and tried version 8, to no avail. Finally, I got fed up and tried 7.5, which FINALLY worked.

Also, I've decided to run for my student council. I remember I was a representative in second and third grade for one semester each, and I also ran in 6th grade but I got beat. (I held a petty grudge against my opponent who won that one for a whole year)

But yeah, I'm so sorry that this post was shorter than normal, as the past couple of days have been pretty dry. Anyways, that's all I have to talk about for now, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

7-9-2021 - 10:09 PM

Song of the day: GOT7 - Just Right

So today I had my first field trip of the year. We have to do photo-essays for Human Geo, and so we went on a trip around downtown.

  1. First, we went to some rock which marks where my city was founded. It was kinda sad. We parked illegally on a residential road.
  2. Then, we drove over (most of us in an unmarked white van my teacher was driving) to the highest parking garage in the city, which is 9 floors. We had to park on the 3rd floor because of those clearance things, and we (or rather, my teacher) broke another law by parking without a ticket. Anyways, then we had to walk up 6 flights of stairs to the top and some guy talked about neighbourhoods or something.
  3. Then, we climbed down 9 flights of stairs and walked 3 or so blocks (small blocks, I don't live in a huge city) to some place, where we got lectures some more by that guy. Then we walked back down where we came from, and turned and walked to the courthouse, and then this creek, where I finally got to refill my water bottle and get some water to drink at a water fountain. Also, someone drank out of the dog fountain.
  4. We walked a few more blocks to the theatre and got lectured about segregation, and then we finally walked a couple more blocks to this popular local ice cream place. I got a 24oz chocolate milkshake, and it was AMAZING. I think it was the first time I've had a proper milkshake, other than the time I ordered milk at Dairy Queen when I was little and got a milkshake, which upset me. Anyways, we got to sit down and rest, and it was amazing.
  5. Finally, we walked back to the parking garage. As it turns out, it has two spiral things for parking instead of one big one, so we went to the right floor but wrong side. We walked up a few MORE flights of stairs, and then back to the ground, before we finally got to the right side and got back to the van, getting back to school ten minutes late. Overall, I think that was the most excercise I've ever got in a day, but my mum still said it "wasn't that much". DId I mentioned it was thirty-two degrees?

Anyways, yeah. That was not the funnest, except for the ice cream part. We also had to take photos for the photo essay, though I have zero clue how I'm gonna string mine together. Oh well.

Anyways, I have some English to finish, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

5-9-2021 - 9:52 PM

Song of the day: Jordan Sweeto - Heartbeat

Happy Labour Day weekend to my fellow North Americans! It's only been two and a half weeks of school so far, but it feels like way longer. (Ó╭╮Ò) Thankfully, though, I have a three-day weekend, and thus an extra day to procrastinate! Seriously, I have only done one or two sentences on my English essay and haven't even touched my precalc. I need to get that show on the road.

In other news, I just used the second to last of my iTunes cards. Frankly, even though there was about $100-$125 of random iTunes cards sitting there when we found them last April or so, I still don't know how I managed to make them around a year and a half. Oh well. It's been a month and a half or two months since I used my last one, so I should be able to make this one last until Christmas.

Also, recently I keep getting the same ads over and over again. Whatever happened to variation? First, I've been bombarded with Chromebook ads. No thanks! I've used a Chromebook for school. (Actually, it was two, because my first one that they gave me broke.) Anyways, after that, I'm probably put off of Chromebooks forever. And the ads are so annoying! Never mind that some of the claims they make are misleading. But I guess that's just the Google way. Anyways, that's all been on YouTube. But of course, when I watch TV, the bombardment of ads continues. Two particular ones I hate:

  1. ANYTHING by that Lilly - a Medicine Company company. For goodness's sake!!!!!!!!! Those ads make me want to frisbee the clicker AT the TV every time I see them. Which, at least on the channel I watch most (it shows The Nanny and The Facts of Life a lot), seems to be every ad break.
  2. Those Old Navy dancing ads. I never want to shop at Old Navy again. UGH.

Also, I hate that probiotic yoghurt ad I see all the time on Hulu. No, I don't care that your yoghurt is "naughty with pride, probiotics inside". That commericial is annoying and (are y'all getting the pattern?) I will now never buy that product.

Also, my Verivery album is inching closer. It's supposed to arrive between the 9th and the 15th. Finally! I've been waiting for ages! I wonder how my new REALITY version poster will look in my room next to my Britney Spears Circus poster and my VERI-Able DIY edition poster. I'm excited and relieved!

Anyways, I have some precalc to finally do, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

3-9-2021 - 10:09 PM

Song of the day: Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry

So today was a big day! First, I had my French presentation this morning. I feel like it went pretty well! Hopefully we get our grades soon! In other school news, I found out that my narrative's first draft wasn't due today, but is in fact due NEXT WEEK. So I did a ton of stuff for nothing. Oh well. At least I have more time to relax now.

Also, my best friend and I have spent the past few lunch periods watching the movie Clue and I love it! We finished it today. Mrs Peacock is my favourite character by far! She honestly reminds me of one of my old English teachers, and my best friend agrees. I honestly kinda loved the three ending thing, though some things about the third ending disappointed me.

Also, I finally finished Anne of Green Gables today, after a month and a half of super slow progress, and I've started Wuthering Heights. After this, I have two Jane Austens that ny mum bought for me. I don't even know why I'm suddenly so obsessed with classical literature, but I guess I look smarter? I just wish there were some gay ones, too.

Anyways, that's all I have to talk about for right now, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

2-9-2021 - 3:29 PM

Song of the day: Dolly Parton - 9 to 5

So I'm sitting in AP Human Geo class writing this. Normally, I would've written this last night, but I've been crazy busy this week. I have two big projects due tomorrow: first, a rough draft of an English story, and second, the French presentation I already told y'all about, so I've been working a lot on those.

So yesterday, I listened to Girls' Generation's debut album all the way through, and I loved it! I want to buy it on CD or iTunes, and then I really want to do an album review of it. I've listened to parts of other SNSD albums, and IMO their debut album has the best b-sides of any other album of theirs, maybe tied with the Gee EP. I'm becoming a huge Sone, can you all tell?

Also, I'm starting to like my acting class more and more. We only started doing our first small scenes today, but already I think it's pretty cool. Hopefully it'll lead to me getting a sitcom :) But what I really want is a choice to give out some Dorothy Zbornak/Reba Hart style burns!

Also, for Human Geo we have to do a project that shows where we went over the summer, and whilst everyone else is talking about going to LA or skiing in Colorado or whatever, all I went were a few small towns, none of which were further than an hour and a half's drive away. So, I guess my map will be sad. :(

Also, I already have a B in English. I have two 100% assignments, but for some reason, participation grades are 60% of our overall grade! And for some reason, even though I participated in the discussion, I still only got an 8.5/10! Or rather an 85/100, because all of her grades are 100 pts instead of 10, which is standard for our school.

So overall, I've been having a pretty so-so week. Here's to hoping next week will be better!

Anyways, that's all I have to talk about for right now, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

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