Blog - October 2021

31-10-2021 - 10:05 PM

Song of the day: Bobby Pickett - Monster Mash

Happy Halloween!

So my family bought too much candy this year, and so I made little goodie bags which I delivered to the neighbours. I got to chat with some neighbours I've not seen in a while, which is always nice! I also got a couple bits of candy from appreciative ones. Including a full-size M&M bag from that type of neighbour. And yet, here we are at almost 10, and we still have a crap ton of extra candy. What happened to kids trick or treating?

Also, I was dressed as Jessica Fletcher. So I had a collared button-up shirt, some nice trousers, a family member's oversized grey trenchcoat and a nide scarf. It would've looked more convincing if I had the J.B. Fletcher hair, but I don't have a clue how Angela Lansbury did her hair in the 80s and 90s, and my hair would probably be too long for that anyway. So my mum put my hair in a French twist, which was nice, but also weird. (I hate having my whole forehead in open air.)

Also, I've been playing some Minecraft recently. I actually got two dogs and built a pretty cool house! Though I built it up after chopping down like 200 trees and getting like 5 stacks of cobblestone, but then I didn't like it so I had to mine the whole thing and rebuild it from the ground up, which was pretty annoying.

Also, I've been watching a lot of SNL political parodies of American poltics recently. I wasn't really aware of politics during the '08 election, but SNL's impression of Sarah Palin makes me feel like I was there.

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

29-10-2021 - 10:09 PM

Song of the day: Rick Astley - Together Forever

So somehow, I got my map turned in on time! Thankfully, it didn't have to be physically traced, so I did it all digitally and then traced it. We also had a work day in bio, to do some vocab. Guess how much work I got done? Yeah, not very much. But the big thing today was another Very Special Assembly! This time, we had to talk about consent, and the mother of a couple students here delivered it. It. Was. Painful. They even had this weird tea analogy which kind of put me off tea for a little bit. Ugh. I hope it's the last Very Special Assembly for a long, long time.

Also, since the Very Special Assembly cut into my Latin class to the point where it was only 20 mimutes, our exam scheduled for today is now open book, open note, and take home. Woot woot! I actually finished it in the time we had but didn't hand it in because I was just nervous, I guess. Also, today's lunch was Bosco sticks! In case you don't know, there are two types of Bosco sticks: one is basically a long Totino's pizza roll, and the superior kind is a breadstick with melty mozzarella stuffed inside. They also had a brownie and some of those little mozzarella sticks. Today was great!

But sadly, today was the last day of my city's three-day rainy streak, and it's supposed to be miserably sunny again tomorrow. Ugh. And all this time, the WTForecast app on my phone has been pretending that rain is bad when it's actually very lovely. Oy. Also, I've been thinking of buying a 7th gen iPod classic on eBay. I do have a fair amount of savings in my account.

Meanwhile, my mum and I went to the shop yesterday to stock up on Halloween candy. We have Kit-Kats and Snickers for the trick-or-treaters, and I got myself some gum, Bob Ross Happy Little Tree Mints (yes, those exist), normal Hershey's Kisses, and the cocoa flavour which I think is new. Sadly they were out of the lava cake kind. But my mind is starting to get into that holly jolly mood, and I can't help that I want it to be winter already. It feels like it's December, or should be at least!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

27-10-2021 - 10:18 PM

Song of the day: Super Junior - 행복

Finally, rain!

So after spending all day trying to get my MacBook to update, it's finally in the last phase of upgrading to macOS Monterey! My iMac was ready for that stage a while ago, but I use it pretty much all the time when I'm home and so almost any potential time to upgrade it would be some sort of inconvenience. I suppose I'll have to update it while I'm at school tomorrow.

Speaking of, I don't know if I talked about it here before, but my Human Geo teacher "assigned" us a project two weeks ago. (Assign, by his definition, means when he briefly mentioned it.) Anyways, for it, I had to call my family to get some info. Calling my maternal grandmother is always fun, because I really like talking to her. (I particularly like it when my grandfather overhears our conversation and makes some sort of quip.)

However, almost every single time (if my little cousins who live near her are around, which, when I call, they almost always are) it soon devolves into my cousins passing the phone amongst them, and sometimes fighting over who gets to talk. I think it might be because I don't see them super frequently (once a month at the very most) so talking to me must be some sort of special occasion for them. I do really like talking to them, though.

But back to school. My Human Geog teacher's deadlines are, without fail, too short for most of us. But alas, when we raise our concerns to him, he asks when he assigned the project. Which is already condescending, but that's only added to by the fact that when he "assigned" the project is always a while before we got any time to work in class, or even talked about it more than a passing mention. I actually brought that up on tonight's phone call, and my aunt overheard. She, my seven-year-old cousin, and I all agreed that AP Human Geography is "stinky".

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

25-10-2021 - 10:09 PM

Song of the day: Lorie - Rester La Meme

So macOS Monterey is out! I haven't upgraded yet (planning to have my iMac upgrade tonight while I'm in bed, I might update my MacBook Air tomorrow?) but for the most part, it seems pretty underwhelming. Especially as I only have Intel Macs, and most of the cooler new features require an M1 Mac. And given that both Macs I own are built somewhat like tanks, I expect that they'll at least last me for three more years.

Also, it's surprisingly kind of hard to find eBooks of the books I want to read most at my library. It's always kind of similar: the eBooks I want to read most aren't available in a format compatible with my Kindle, but the ones I kind of want to read are available. Thank God I have plenty of Amazon credit, so I can just buy them.

Also, yesterday there was severe weather in my area. Apparently in my hometown, there was a ton of severe rain, and there was chit-chat about potential tornadoes. However, I had to go to a family gathering at my grandparents' house, where it was conveniently dry. However, though there was no rain (that I noticed, anyway), I did see a double rainbow! And of course there's a video of me saying "double rainbow all the way" in existence. :D

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

23-10-2021 - 10:02 PM

Song of the day: Girls' Generation - My Oh My

So I don't have a lot of homework this weekend! Woot woot! I also used part of an iTunes card this morning, for the first time in a couple months, so that was really fun!

Also, the last couple periods in my Current Events class, we've been having discussions about racism and critical race throty. Because talking about deeply controversial things is always fun! Somehow, most of my class is actually on the same page, though. But nonetheless, most of the times we've talked about it I've ended up with a headache!

Though that is also probably partially due to my masks' earloops being too tight and causing headaches when I wear them for a long time. The sole disadvantage of having homemade masks, IMO, though of course mine make up for it a little by being safe (customized to my face so they aren't loose, 3 or 4 layers (I forget) as well) and of course, stylish. I had ones last year that tied around the back of my head, and though those didn't cause headaches, they kept coming loose and also got tangled with my hair as my hair is long.

Also, I think it's finally autumn for real! The high tomorrow is 24 degrees (C) and then after that, the highs are down into the mid-teens! Also, it's raining tonight and tomorrow, as well as a few other days this week! :)

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

21-10-2021 - 10:10 PM

Song of the day: BOYFRIEND - On and On

So I've been feeling a bit blegh all day. I woke up at 6 or 6:30 with a headache, and then of course the squirrels started scampering. It eventually went away a bit before school, but it was replaced with another type of headache. My masks tug too much on my ears, creating headaches. :( And of course I had a stomachache for a while tonight. Oh well.

Also, I had Human Geog homework tonight that I totally forgot. Plus, my school has an internet safety assembly tomorrow (the standard don't send nudes fare) that's disrupting class time. Oy. Plus, there was some incident at some university nearby involving hazing, so our post-lunch study hall type thing is being replaced by a lecture. And today we had a depressing pep rally for the volleyball team. (They had so many lights shining directly into my eyes I think I might've got free LASIK.)

Also, I'm really getting used to my new glasses! I think they look way better than my old ones and make me look pretty :) Though the bridge of my nose still needs a bit of getting used to. (The old ones had the little thingies whereby the new ones don't.)

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

19-10-2021 - 9:58 PM

Song of the day: A*Teens - Upside Down

So I still haven't a clue what I would like to dress up as for Halloween. Never mind that Halloween, as I'm not a child anymore, will probably just be a photo-op in my stairwell. I considered going as a flapper, but I suspect certain of my family members would have objections to that. I also considered going as a Designing Women reject, but I don't know how I'd get my hair like that. I suppose that I might go as Jessica Fletcher, though I don't know how.

Also, I got new glasses today! They're bigger, and pink. THey'ree plastic, so they don't have the little things that sit on your nose, which is weird as I've had those on all the glasses that I've ever had. Also, I think the frames are actually Ray Bans, so now I can say I own Ray Bans! It's a weird thing to be happy about, but oh well. They also remind me of Jessica Fletcher's glasses, so I suppose that that would actually fit!

Also, I'm back on the homework overload train. It was nic enot having much homework last week because of the PSAT, but the teachers seemingly haven't learnt their lesson in terms of how much work it's OK to give students. Actually most of the stress is coming from Human Geo. I ahve to make notes on some reading for Thursday, which is always a little stressful. The first draft of a paper for another class being due on Thursday isn't helping, but it's at least not that bad, and we'll have a chance to revise it. Plus, I only have a bit more on the rough draft of that to go. Ugh.

Meanwhile, I don't get why AP Social Studies is a thing at all. Thankfully, after this I believe that all AP classes are optional. Thank God!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

17-10-2021 - 10:06 PM

Song of the day: A*Teens - Upside Down

So yesterday I got my flu shot after my family and I went out to eat for lunch. A local doctor's office had a drive-thru vaccine clinic, so went popped by there. It was really very anticlimactic. I spent a good time in the car talking with my grandparents as well, which is always pretty fun. Though at this point, everything is pretty samey in my family's life, so I end up talking about school a lot.

Speaking of school, this was my last three-day weekend for a while. Major bummer. School is just kind of tiring me by now, so I'm really exctied for Thanksgiving break, and especially for Christmas break. Speaking of holidays, the show-offy house in my neighbourhood has their over-the-top decorations up, including some of those huge inflatable things you see in Wal-Mart or whatever. I don't actually know who lives there, though I've heard that it's some sort of daycare service or something. Who knows?

Also, I've been watching a lot of Murder, She Wrote again! I love just curling up in front of my computer with some ice cream and watching Jessica Fletcher pore through a mystery. Bonus points if it's a Cabot Cove episode! All of the episodes are great, but of my favourites (Murder Takes the Bus, The Sins of Castle Cove, If It's Thursday It Must Be Beverly), most of then (including 2 of those 3) are Cabot Cove episodes. I love all the recurring characters like Sherrif Tupper/Metzger, Seth, the beauty shop ladies, and also the setting of Cabot Cove. I love this programme!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

15-10-2021 - 10:14 PM

Song of the day: Westlife - Starlight

So I had parent/teacher conferences today. Or, more realistically, my parents had them and dragged me along. I did stop by my school's book fair, though, and I got two bookmarks, one scented tri-highlighter, and one fuzzball pen. Then, on the way home, after my mum went to do something else, my father and I stopped off at McDonald's for an early lunch. (It reminded me of that one Onion article about a man who had lunch at 10:30, except I ate at 11:30. I still felt just as rebellious, though)

Also, tangentially related, but I have a draft of a paper due on Thursday, and I just started working on it in earnest today. (Besides the outline.) So, I have some serious work to do this weekend. Thankfully, as leftovers of the PSAT, I don't have too much homework besides that, so I can concentrate.

Speaking of leftovers, for some reason my family went to Cracker Barrel today. I got their chicken and dumplings, which I had never had before. The portion size was absolutely massive (it looked like they were trying to feed Michael Phelps with one serving), and most of it went in the to-go box. I also picked up some gifts on the way out. Overall, today was pretty good. It also rained! Sadly, it looks like that was the last rain for the time being. Oh well.

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

13-10-2021 - 9:52 PM

Song of the day: LIGHTSUM - Vivace

So this morning I took the PSAT. Woo. Even the pre-test process felt like I was going through the TSA (though I have no personal frame of reference for that). And of course my pencils were dull, but just sharp enough that they were barely usable. But nonetheless, I survived. Even if it did mean that I spent a combined 45 or so minutes staring at the ceiling after I finished the various exams.

Our new high school principal as proctoring, and it's scary how being in an exam environment can make a cool person come off as intimidating. Every time I sensed her coming in my general direction, I was horrified that I'd done something wrong. But such is life in the world of standardized exams. Also, apparently we aren't allowed to bring in books to read after finishing the test. I remember doing the ACT Aspire or whatever it was called in 8th grade, we were allowed books. I think we even were in the Pre-ACT last year. I wonder when that restriction came in? Oh well.

I ended up spending a full ten minutes or so comtemplating the nature of lighting. Testing does that to one's brain. Anyways, the bright side was that toward the end of the exam period, it started pouring rain. At first, I wasn't sure, since it sounded a lot like the ventilation system, but it turned out to be rain! Also, my parents had a conference with my English teacher right after school today (or rather, 25 minutes after school). It actually went pretty well! Despite my fears, she didn't have any complaints, though she had a lengthy discussion with my parents about something or other.

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

11-10-2021 - 10:16 PM

Song of the day: Emma Bunton - Coming Home For Christmas

It's Thanksgiving in Canada! So happy Thanksgiving to Canadian people if y'all celebrate it. And so as Thanksgiving has passed somewhere, I'm allowing myself to start listening to Christmas carols! I don't want to be one of those people who puts up tinsel on November 1st, but I can't help getting in that holly jolly mood inside my mind for now. I just love winter!

Also, I have a human geo one pager due tomorrow. I. HATE. ONE. PAGERS. Anyways, I just printed out most things and will make a couple drawings tomorrow during my study time. I hope I never have to do one of these again. Thank God I think I get another teacher next year. Hopefully she's not so one-pager-happy. It'll be nice to have some change as well. The same teacher three years in a row, unless you absolutely love the teacher (which thankfully is normally the case for me) can be very tiring.

Also, it finally rained again today! It started pouring during my first period French class, but sadly it had died down a bit by the time class was over so I couldn't see it. At least it rained, though!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

9-10-2021 - 9:50 PM

Song of the day: Propellerheads - Take California

So today I've been working a lot on my site! I noticed a problem with the firework click effect (yadda yadda something about the width of the page). Anyways, thanks to the Yesterweb discord server, I managed to find a fix which should be implemented soon! I also finally got around to updating the Verivery history page! I also found out about webgarden, which seem super cool! I started making one.

Also, I have way too much homework this weekend. Specifically, bio. I like the class pretty well, but there's a lot of articles and Web quests and stuff. Web quests are good in moderation, but too many are not good. I also have to highlight an article. Oh well. I'll have to do a lot of that tomorrow :( Here's to hoping next week will have less work!

Also, I think I want to start reading Pride and Prejudice. I'm getting close with to finishing Emma and I loved the BBC series, which if y'all have read my entries from a month or two, y'all would know well. (Colin Firth!!!!!!!!!)

Also, Reba McEntire and Dolly Parton finally put out a song together! I love both their music, and I loved the episode of Reba guest starring Dolly Parton, and I love the song! I can't believe it took them so long to record together but I'm glad they finally did!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

7-10-2021 - 10:04 PM

Song of the day: Girls' Generation - Party

I'm so excited for Verivery's concert! To think that they'll even be within a few hundred miles of them is super cool! I remember when they went to KCON back in 2019 I was in a Verrer group chat and I was this close to begging my parents to go to whatever city it was in. And the tour tickets are only $55 so they're super affordable!

Also, for some reason, my parents bought more gum last time they went to the grocery store. So naturally, in less than a week I've gone through about three quarters of it. I might have a bit of a problem. Or maybe I just love gum. Who knows?

Also, tomorrow I have the day off! Woot woot! Tomorrow teachers have to write our comments so we get the day off. So naturally, I'm going to have to spend all morning convincing myself to actually do my homework, which I have a decent amount of. I have a mitochondria propaganda poster for bio and probably some other stuff I've forgot about so I've got to work work work this weekend!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

5-10-2021 - 10:23 PM

Song of the day: Miley Cyrus - Start All Over

So I've been playing some more BTS World! I've reached chapter 4 and I think I'm doing pretty well! I love getting new cards and upgrading them, it's so fun! Speaking of k-pop, Verivery announced a US tour today! It's kind of strange that their first tour isn't even in Asia, but whatever will be, will be, I suppose. Speaking of Verivery, I need to get around to updating my Verivery page soon, especially the history. I'd do it to night but it's getting late!

Also, I have a four-day week both this week and next week for a teacher work day and parent-teacher conferences. Woot woot! Though I'm kind of nervous about what my teachers will say. Oh well! I suppose I just need to put in some extra effort to be very kind. Come to think of it, I think that's a good thing to do every day.

Also, I have an English quiz tomorrow. I hope I do well! I think I've grasped the concepts well. I also had a precalc this morning, delivered by my 5th grade teacher, (she subs occasionally this year, and my normal precalc teacher was absent.) Anyways, she played jazz music whilst we were taking the quiz. I don't know whether or not I liked it. Hmm.

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

3-10-2021 - 10:00 PM

Song of the day: GFRIEND - Glass Bead

So I've been playing a tonne of BTS World recetnly! I'm about halfway through Chapter 3, and would be a lot farther if I wasn't such a perfectionist. (I normally make myself replay each level until I get three stars) Anyways, I love the game! I wonder if any other groups I like have games...

Also, I'm considering getting back into writing for fun! The past couple of days, I've gradually come up with an AMAZING idea for a story. I don't want to say what it is (for some reason I'm super secretive about things I work on until I finish them.) Anyways, it was inspired by the string of historical gay romances I've been reading recently. I love them so much!

Also, just my luck, I have a French packet due tomorrow that I forgot at school! Woot woot! And so I'm going to go in early, and, God willing, get it done before my first period French class.

Also, I've been watching a lot of The Nanny tonight! I've jsut finished my third episode right now, although the first two were cut a bit short because the rain interfered with the satellite signal when I recorded them. But anyway, I watch a clip from one of them earlier today by coincidence! I also watched some Murder, She Wrote today. Overall, it's been a pretty good weekend, although a bit too short. I get the next two Fridays off for teacher work days and parent/teacher conferences, so the next ones should be even better!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

1-10-2021 - 10:13 PM

Song of the day: Trisha Yearwood - She's In Love With The Boy

So at last, the world's longest week has come to an end. In my Human Geog class, we've been watching Don't Panic by Hans Rosling, which talks about how overpopulation isn't really as much as of a problem as some people think. (It talks about "peak child" and the predicted peak population of 11 billion and stuff like that.) Anyways, I've kept working on my English essay recently, which (if y'all were interested) is about comparing The Importance of Being Earnest with (wait for it...) Hannah Montana. Yes, it's as ridiculous as it sounds.

Meanwhile, I've been playing a lot of BTS World recently, and it's a great game! I would recommend for y'all to download it. :)

Anyways, today and yesterday (and maybe the day before it? I've lost track), it's finally rained! It was so relieving when the rain started! Also, God willing, we're officially into autumn weather now that it's October. (I mean, last year my area got our first snow in October, so...) On Wednesday the high was 30 or so, but now it's finally back down to the mid-20s! I'm ready for cooler weather :D

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about, so I guess I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

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