Welcome to the official homepage for the K-Pop Webring! For anyone who doesn't know, a webring is a cool way to find new sites run by people with similar interests! Each webring has a list of members in order, and each member site has a widget that links to the previous and next sites in the order. The first and last site link up as well, making it a ring! This webring is for fans of k-pop. The Web Revival doesn't seem to have a big k-pop contigent, so I thought this would be a cool way to find other sites made by k-pop fans!
In order to join, please review the rules below and then click this link to e-mail me. Make the subject something along the line of "K-Pop Webring" and in the e-mail, leave a link to your site's URL. I would also appreciate a link to your site's button, if you have one! Once I let you in, I'll tell you to add the webring's widget to your site. Then you'll be all set! I'd also appreciate if you'd spread the word to other webmasters who are k-pop fans in case they might be interested. I hope this is a fun way for k-pop fans on the Net to find each other! :) I look forward to seeing you join!
Here is the webring's widget:
When I have added you to the members list (which shouldn't take long) I will tell you to put the widget on your site. Then, you will officially show up as part of the webring and your widget will be activated! :)
In addition, please include this in the <head> section of your page's HTML code.