Blog - April 2022

29-4-2022 - 10:14 PM

Song of the Day: Lorie - I Love You

Happy Friday! And I mean it with the fervour of a hurricane when I say: thank God that it's Friday! This has been absolutely the longest week in quite a long time! We had Wednesday afternoon off, and Wednesday felt like Friday, so these two days since then have absolutely dragged on. By last period today, my art class, I had no energy to do art so I just sat and read for forty-five minutes. I'm ready for next week, and certainly for summer holiday! Though I'm not ready for summer weather and the jury's still out on whether I'm ready for finals.

Also, my Human Geo AP Exam is on Thursday. And since everybody around the world has to take it at the same time, we have to be there to take the test at 8:00 AM. FRICK!! I'm going to wake up even earlier so I can havwe a cuppa or two to wake my miserable brain. Seriously, what the hell?!? Also, we have a practice exam Sunday that my parents are forcing me to go to. I so don't want to. I am dreading this so much. Ugh.

Also, I feel like this has been such a long month. Like I feel like I've genuinely changed as a person this month. (Just got a little weird deja vu!) I feel like if my life was a TV programme, this month could've been like half of a season. Seriously, it's been so weird! I feel like the concert a week ago was a lifetime ago. It's so freaking weird!

Anyways, that's about all that I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

27-4-2022 - 10:10 PM

Song of the Day: Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me

So today was a half day! Woot woot! Which meant that they had pizza in the cafeteria at lunch. Like 50 boxes for 100 or so students in my high school. So yeah, we did not finish all of that. And I had already planned to get McDonald's on my way home from school and I was looking forward to that and so I only had one slice. And I was still hungry enough to eat my normal Mickey D's meal of two cheeseburgers with all the fixins' and a medium fries. I'm impressed at my stomach capacity! (Imagine a historian in 20,000 years finding my blog as the only remnant of civilization...)

Also, I have an English rough draft due on Friday and I totally have no clue what to do to revise it, so I guess I'll have to figure that out tomorrow because I have no energy to put up with that kinda crap tonight. I just can't. So in your face, me fourteen hours from now!

Also, I feel like April has been going on for so long. Like an entire TV season of my life could've taked place just over this month, like some weird version of 24 or something. Like really, I feel like I've had a tonne of character development or something this month. And it's not even over yet!! Oh boy.

Anyways, that's about all that I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

25-4-2022 - 10:18 PM

Song of the Day: VERIVERY - Wish U Were Here

So first off, you might notice something different about the site now! That's right, I faffed about with the CSS and came up with this new design! The old design served me well starting in June 2021. (About 10 months! That's the majority of the time I've been actively updating this, which started in January 2021 as before then I barely did anything here.) However, I felt that after this much time, it was time for a refresh. I wanted something a little more colourful, to liven up my life a bit, and hopefully y'all's lives too. :) Below, I've added a comparison of the old design on top and the new one on the bottom for y'all to look at.

Also, Verivery's new album is finally out. Heck yes!! I haven't been able to sit down and listen to it start to finish, and my copy only shipped from Korea yesterday and isn't due to get here for at least two weeks, but so far, from what I've heard, it's amazing! After over three year, we finally got our first full album from Verivery, and I'm very hyped! Even if the cover made me think it was a bright concept when it really wasn't, but oh well. There are bright tracks on the album, and chances are that the Japan debut which is coming up soon will be brighter! Seriously, Verrers are really spolied at the moment, with Belbelland coming back, a digital single, then a full album (two whole MVs between them with about a month in between!), and a Japan comeback soon! It's freaking wild!

Also, today in my Biology class, we took a little field trip down to this area of tall grass beside my school (including a little delapidated sidewalk we had to use to get there, which had a little place you could climb down to get to some sort of creek. One classmate tried to get there, and did not succeed. Also, I tried to blow the little white puffy parts of a dandelion away and ended up having a little coughing fit because I tried too hard, to the point where a girl in my class asked if I was okay. Then we went to a golf course that's also nearby for some reason. (We were doing all of this to look at ecosystems and stuff.) Anyways, we threw a couple gravel rocks into the lake and I found a stick, pictured below. Anyways, it was an entertaining morning.

a very beautiful stick

Anyways, that's about all that I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

23-4-2022 - 10:25 PM

Song of the Day: The Push Stars - Stand Beside The Present Time

So I have officially been outside of Missouri for the first time in years! I hadn't left the state since even a while before the pandemic, but last night, my parents went to see Alan Doyle in Edwardsville, Illinois, which is a little outside of St. Louis, and I tagged along. It was actually pretty nice! His type of music isn't generally my thing, but my parents have been waiting 20-odd years to see him live, and they loved it.

This guy Chris Trapper was the opening act, and I really liked him! He's like half singer, half standup comedian. Honestly, his set was only a half hour, but it made my night. Alan Doyle and his band performed for a while, and I recognized a good portion of the songs because of my mother playing them so much. It was really nice! Though there was a half-hour or so of intermission between the opening act and the main set, which was kind of weird.

But anyways, it was pretty nice. Chris Trapper was running his own part of the merch table (this guy who introduced them at the beginning of the show and works for the theatre ran Alan Doyle's part), and I bought his Technicolour CD and his band The Push Stars's CD 3 Feet In The Air. I haven't listened to the former yet, but I love the latter! And he had free postcards that we got. I even got him to autograph mine! Here's a photo.

an autographed postcard, with a picture of Chris Trapper. It's autographed: 'To ******, with all love, Chris'.

But not all was good. Since we live quite a while away from the St. Louis area, we didn't get home until after 1 AM, and didn't get to bed until around 2. And it was hot, because we're having a 2-day lightning round heat wave. Seriously, whatever happened to spring? We need a fan with an ice block like in The Great Gatsby. Really, what the hell is with this? I'm already so sick of summer weather and it's still April!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

21-4-2022 - 10:29 PM

Song of the Day: Girls' Generation - Etude

So Toga Day went swimmingly! Our skit was Scoobius Doo, and it went great! Two people forgot their lines, but according to some friends in the audience, it wasn't noticeable. Apparently, also according to my two friendly panelists, we were the best at actually projecting our voices so the mics that were hanging above the stage could pick them up. Some of the younger grades weren't the best at that, which was pretty sad because their skits were also rather good! There was even a Chris Rock/Will Smith joke! Anyways, I feel like this year's Toga Day went well. I can't wait for next year's Toga Day!

Also, I had two tests this week! I had a French test yesterday, which I feel like I did well on, and a precalculus test today and Tuesday (it was two parts), which I feel like I did well on as well. I was kind of unsure on a couple of French questions, but other than that, I'm pretty confident. There was one question on the precalc where I had no idea, but thankfully my teacher said she made some sort of mistake and let us skip it! Woot woot! So yeah, I feel like and hope that I did well. But we shall see, dear reader, we shall see.

Also, the AP exam for my human geo class is creeping up, which is absolutely kind of scary. It's in about two weeks! There's a practice exam, but it's on a Sunday morning, so I have church instead. Besides, I didn't really want to go anyways. Thankfully, we get to do this in lieu of a final, and it won't affect our grade! But I'll still study some, to do well. Here's to doing well!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

19-4-2022 - 10:12 PM

Song of the Day: Super Junior - SPY

Long time no blog post! I'm so sorry that I didn't post a blog post on Sunday. I honestly don't know what happened, really, but I'm sorry. But the important thing is that I'm back!

So something new has been added to the chronicle of crappy school lunches. Today's lunch was fried chicken, which had barely any meat, and had burnt breading, as well as gross mashed potatoes, and somewhat slimy peas. So yeah, it was pretty damn sad. Like seriously. We had Bosco sticks and mozzarella sticks with a chocolate chip cookie on Friday, whcih was the best school lunch literally like ever, and then this. Seriously, what the hell?! (Pretend that there was an interrobang there. There so would be if I had any clue how to put them in HTML rofl)

Also, tomorrow is my school's Toga Day! For those who don't know, that's my school's annual celebration of Rome's birthday, which occurs on the closest Wednesday to the anniversary of Rome's founding. There's a guest speaker, and then each Latin class puts on a skit. The 6th graders have to do theirs about a mythological story, but after that we're allowed free reign, which has produced both good and bad. In 7th grade we did a version of the Office US, which was our worst. And then a couple years later, last year, we did The Real Housewives of Roman Emperors: Murder Myster Edition, which is probably the best Toga Day skit that I've ever seen in any time I've been here. I'm proud of us! So we'll see how this year's skit goes, and then I'll talk about it and how it goes next time. But yeah, I'm excited!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

15-4-2022 - 10:04 PM

Song of the Day: Westlife - You Raise Me Up

Ten days till Verivery's comeback!!! I'M SO HYPEDDDDDDDDDDD! Even though it'll probably be a month from now before my album gets to me. Either way, I'm excited! It looks like it's going to be a detective concept based off of the recent teasers! It's going to be amazing, like all of Verivery's other albums! I'm so excited!

Also, I've had absolutely such a long week this week. It's just been so agonizing. I had a bio test today, and I had some other stuff, and it was just too much. I just need to rest some over the weekend, you know? It's just so tiring.

Also, lunch today at school was great! We had Bosco sticks, which if you don't know, are these pretty yummy breadstick things stuffed with mozzarella cheese. There were mozzarella sticks on the side, as well as a chocolate chip cookie! It was great! Though the cookie wasn't chewy enough for my liking. But oh well.

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

13-4-2022 - 9:51 PM

Song of the Day: Momoiro Clover Z - Blast!

So Verivery's YouTube series Chaotic Verivery Land is going to return tomorrow morning (my time) for its second season! Let's hope that it has as many funny moments and as much crazy editing as season 1! I loved the first season, so I'm absolutely so excited for this next installment. I'm really glad that it's coming back! It's probably my favourite comedy series ever posted on YouTube. So yeah, I'm looking forward to watching the season premiere tomorrow!

Also, I feel like this week has been dragging on for ages. I don't know why, but this week in particular feels like it's been 7 days already, even though it's only Wednesday. But we'll see how tomorrow goes. And then I have a Bio exam Friday, so I need to study. I wish there was less homework, but I guess that homework is a required part of school life or something.

Also, I finally finished this pretty stressful writing assignment for English. Normally I love creative writing assignments, but this one wasn't as fun. We had to make an epilogue for The Catcher In The Rye that showed Holden eight years down the line. I think mine turned out pretty well, but I was scared for a little while there. And in my opinion, JD Sallinger left the ending of the original book vague for a reason. But oh well. I also made Holden gay in mine, but in the class discussion today, I said that I didn't think he deseved to be gay because he was too whiny. We joked a lot about him being gay. It was pretty darn fun, if I do say so myself.

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

11-4-2022 - 10:09 PM

Song of the Day: TVXQ - Hi Ya Ya!

Welp, it's getting unbearably hot! The high tomorrow is twenty-seven degrees Celsius. Woot woot, I'm so excited! It's absolutely so miserable. And so begins the summer, where the temperature is OK and all during the day, but as soon as I touch my mattress, the temperature raises by about five degrees. It's absolutely miserable to try and endure Missourian summers. I don't want to live this far south anymore. I can't even imagine what they have to endure in the Carribean or in Australia (apart from Tazzie, apparently it's cool there) or any of those places.

Also, we're finally almost done with The Catcher In The Rye! No more putting up with Holden Caufield's whiny butt! I'm so sick of him, and we're starting 1984 next, which has an Overly Sarcastic Productions video, so you know it's going to be good. (except for that weird book Stranger in a Strange Land. I hope we never have to read that.)

Also, I'm finally trying to get in bed earlier. I've been getting in bed at half past midnight recently, and it's not very good. Also, Saturday night (or more realistically, Sunday morning) at around 12:45 AM or so, I heard gunshots from nearby and then somebody accelerating away. I asked my parents later, and they think they came from a large neighbouring street. But yeah, it left me pretty rattled for a while until I got to sleep. But yeah, it was really weird. And I didn't find anything in the local news about it, so I assume it was just someone firing their gun off for show, like those people who set off fireworks at random night of the year, or those people who get rid of their Subarus' mufflers to make them sound like morotcycles. Anyways, here's to getting in bed earlier!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

9-4-2022 - 10:19 PM

Song of the Day: Yeonho of Verivery - Rum Pum

Happy weekend! Today, I volunteered at the book sale for the local library, and it was quite a bit of fun! I co-cashiered with this lovely older lady named Ruth Ann for most of the time, and we had quite a few laughs and did some people-watching in between customers. It was really fun! A couple people ended up buying ridiculous amounts of books. There was even one lady who came in who looked and sounded like she could be my grade 9 English teacher's sister. It was rather weird. Also, there were goodies available for the volunteers, including pineapple cake courtesy of my mum. It was pretty good!

Also, I really don't think that this weekend is long enough. After our first week back, you expect us to be content with TWO BLOODY DAYS? I really need more time to recuperate, especially since I spent quite a bit of today workin' for the man aka the public library aka the taxpayer? But yeah, I just don't want to go back to school. But I'm going to appreciate the weekend to its fullest!

Also, I put in a pre-order on Verivery's new album! I should hopefully get the pre-order poster this time, which I didn't get last time because I didn't pre-order it. (I did get like 20 BTS photocards as compensation or whatever though, which I promptly lost.) I got the pastel holographic version, AKA the A version, though I was kind of compelled to get the D version, which is blue art-themed and similar to the C version, but prettier. Then there's the B version, which is a similar design to the rest of the series, and the C version, which is basically, in terms of looks and goodies, the physical version of the Series O Round 0: Who digital single. The D version is prettier than it, in my opinion. But anyways, I'm so excited! But the arrival window is between early May and a couple of days after my birthday, so we'll see how long it takes to arrive. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

7-4-2022 - 10:21 PM

Song of the Day: BoA - Milky Way

The first week back after spring holiday is almost over! And thank God for it. I'm pretty drained already, partially because going from having no work to quite a bit is always exhausting. But yeah, I absolutely just want this week to be over. I also have a human geo thing that I absolutely need to do but I just don't really know how. Or more accurately, I know how, I'm just kind of clueless as to the information that I need to look up? I don't know how to describe it. But yeah.

Also, at my school, we need to get ten volunteering hours on average a year to graduate. So for us, that's thirty, since last year was waived because of COVID. They were talking about halving this year's requirement, but unfortunately, no dice. I volunteered making dinner at the local Ronald McDonald House twice over the summer, for three or so hours each time (I checked the e-mail and it say three, but I seem to remember staying a bit late so I put three and a half hours), which means I only need three more for this year. I'm volunteering at a book sale this weekend with the Friends of the Library as a cashier. (My mother volunteers there, helps with book sales and all, so I was able to get in.) That's for two hours, so after that I'll only need one more, but I don't know what I'm going to do for that. But oh well!

Also, Verivery announced a new comeback! They shared that it's their first full album, so I'm so excited! They also revealed the album cover today, and it's beautiful and colourful and pastel and holographic! It's going to be part 3 of the Series 'O' that they started about fourteen months ago. THey did Round 1 in early 2021, Round 2 in late 2021, Round 0 as a digital single a couple of weeks ago, and now Round 3, which, considering that all of their series of albums so far are trilogies, means that this is probably the series's conclusion! I'm so excited to find out what it's going to be! :)

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

5-4-2022 - 10:21 PM

Song of the Day: ILY:1 - Azalea

I finally finished that bio vocab! Granted, I did procrastinate a lot, but it still feels like a big accomplishment. But yeah, I can finally turn it in.

Also, it finally rained again today! Granted, it was after dark, so I couldn't fully appreciate it, but at least I got to see some pretty thunder on the way home from dinner. Apparently, there are tornado watches or warnings (I forget which) a couple counties over, so that's a little worrying, but oh well. I just wish it would rain more, but oh well.

Also, I've recently noticed that I have a pretty big problem with getting out the door late in the morning. For example, today, I was about to get out of the house on time, but I ended up watching Super Junior videos on YouTube for a few minutes, so I ended up being a few minutes late to school. So yeah, I need to try and get up earlier and get out of the house earlier!

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

3-4-2022 - 10:06 PM

Song of the Day: BoA - No. 1

So I finally finished Catcher In The Rye! Granted, I did it very slowly, and very reluctantly (as was to be expected if you've seen my past blog blog posts where I talked about this "classic novel"), and I skimmed the last few chapters, but I finished it! Praise be to the Lord for granting me the strength to get through that book which has somehow become a so-called "classic". I mean, seriously. There was barely any discernable plot. It was just this boy calling everything phony, because he's totally not like other girls.

Also, my song of the day today is No. 1 by BoA, which I've been listening to on repeat for the past few days. I love it so much! And if y'all somehow don't know by my semi-incessant mentions of them, and the fact that I have a literal entire section of my site dedicated to them, I'm a huge fan of Verivery (they're my favourite boygroup ever) and have been since about a month or two after they debuted. Anyways, the maknae, Kangmin, is co-host on Show Champion, a weekly music programme in Korea, with two other idols, and they covered this song. And I only just found out about it from the original MV's comment section! Seriously, how did I only just find out about this?!?!?!?!? And it's great. Check it out below!

Also, I guess this is the end of spring break. It's been a fun ride, and I don't have any full days off for the rest of this month if I remember correctly, so I have to suffer through multiple full weeks of school. I really don't want to go back to actually having homework and all that crap, but I guess that I'll just have to cope as best as I can. Seriously, I don't feel ready to go back to school. I also had bio vocab that was supposed to be due tomorrow, but I think my teacher will be understanding when I tell him honestly that I completely forgot about it. Seriously, I barely thought about school over break. I so don't want to go back, but I'll have to suck it up.

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

1-4-2022 - 10:15 PM

Song of the Day: Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth

So I ended up reading some more of Catcher In The Rye somehow. I'm not done, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to endure the rest of this book. I mean, I kind of have to though, since I have to do school work about it and all that, but still. It's such an annoying book.

Also, my mother and I went on a little shopping spree. First, we went to the CD store, where I got four Reba CDs, a a CD called "No One Does It Better" by an obscure Canadian boyband called SoulDecision, a CD by Miranda Cosgrove, a CD by Belinda Carlisle and season 4 of Reba on DVD. The DVDs are double-sided DVDs, which is pretty annoying, but oh well. I tested them, and they seemed to work well, so I suppose that's enough. I've only listened to one of the Reba CDs, called "So Good Together", and it was great! And the SoulDecision CD was amazing! The Belinda Carlisle CD was whatever one had Heaven On Earth, and that song was great, but beyond it, most of the songs on that album were just okay. But I digress. The Miranda Cosgrove CD came in one of those crappy paper packs, which was annoying, but oh well.

Anyways, we popped by Target, but didn't get anything. We went to the dollar store afterward, where I got nail polish and some off-brand chapstick. We also got a card for a family member, and my mum got me a Hershey's cookies n creme. Then we stopped at the pet shop and stocked up on fish food. And that's pretty much all the interesting stuff that's been happening.

Anyways, that's about all I have to talk about at the moment, so I'll talk to y'all next time. Bye!

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